Conversion and LSTA Workshops!

Join our Conversion and Careers Advisor, Professor Kym Bird, for the first in a series of workshops on preparing your application for conversion and other tenure-stream hiring searches at York. This first workshop will focus primarily on helping Unit 2 members in the Conversion (or “Affirmative Action”) Pool to prepare their applications for conversion appointments. Check out our calendar for links to all of these upcoming events!

Tuesday 22 October 2024, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

The workshop will focus on advising members on :

  • How the conversion process works
  • How to prepare strong files in teaching, research, and service
  • How to yourself as attractive as possible as a candidate for potential upcoming positions at York

The best application files are constructed over time! An application for a conversion appointment, for example, must include a current curriculum vitae; letters of reference (including external letters); and an assessment by the hiring unit of the candidate’s teaching, research, and scholarly or creative work, their service potential, how their appointment fulfills departmental needs, and (where appropriate and in light of the candidate’s unique career path) an assessment of the candidate’s potential for participation in graduate teaching and supervision.

Members applying for conversion are generally required to submit their applications in February for appointments beginning July 1. (More details of the process will be communicated later by Faculty Relations and the Union.)

Conversion and Career Advice Workshops are open to all CUPE 3903 members interested in compiling a strong application package for conversion and LSTA appointments or who might, in future, be a position to apply for employment under either program.

Professor Kym Byrd is a YUFA member in the Division of Humanities and a former CUPE 3903 Unit 2 member. Her primary role as Career Advisor is to assist contract faculty members in career planning and Professional Development to prepare them to apply for conversion and tenure-stream applications at York. In addition to these workshops.

Dr. Bird will be holding two additional workshops before the conversions’ application deadline:

Wednesday 27 November 2024, 2:30–4:00 p.m. (online)

Wednesday 15 January 11:00 a.m–12:30 p.m (online)

Dr. Bird is also available for one-on-one consultations about building your application file. Contact Dr. Byrd at

A Note on the “Affirmative Action” (Conversion) Pool & the number of Conversions during 2024–25 and 2025–26:  

The “Affirmative Action” pool includes all Unit 2 members who (1) have at least five years of service to the University and who in the four years preceding the current contract year, held at least 1 Type 1 position in each year and a total of at least 12 Type 1 or equivalent positions over those four years; or (2) belong to at least one Equity Group and have at least three years of service to the University and who held at least 2 Type 1 positions in any three years and at least 7 type 1 or equivalent positions in any three years. Members of the Affirmative Action pool are eligible to apply for conversion, and those with at least five years in the pool (three, for those who belong to at least one equity groups) are eligible to apply for LSTAs. (For more information on either program, see the Unit 2 Collective Agreement, Article 23 Affirmative Action and Article 25 Long Service Teaching Appointments (LSTAs) and/or contact

Under the 2023–26 Unit 2 Collective Agreement and the Memorandum of Settlement signed on April 14, 2024, York University is required to make a minimum of six conversion appointments in the next two years: two appointments in each of the 2024–25 and 2025–26 contract years and an additional two conversion appointments by the end of the contract (August 31, 2026). A total of 18 LSTAs must be appointed during the same period, six in each of 2024–25 and 2025–26, with an additional six appointments made by the end of August 2026.

Grievance Stories

An essential part of CUPE 3903’s work is to file grievances against violations of the Collective Agreement. The purpose of this form is to gather stories from individual members about these grievances. We’re looking to understand members’ experiences rather than the specifics and how of a given grievance, as we need to maintain confidentiality of grievances following the rules outlined in Article 6 of our Collective Agreements.

This information is being gathered as part of a larger campaign to understand the services your dues pay for. Stories shared will help promote the benefits of being in CUPE 3903 and make a case that the union needs more income to continue supporting members.

Please share your stories with us!

Questions? Contact Melvin Chan, Secretary-Treasurer, at

Call for Nominations: Union Trustees’ Committee

Nominations are now open for a vacant position on the Union Trustees’ Committee.

Please use this form (linked) to nominate yourself for for the Trustee position (ending 2026; you must be available to serve until then).

The details of this position are:

One trustee is elected each year, and sits for a three-year term (in other words, the committee has a total of three members). The trustees review and audit the union’s accounts to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and to ensure transparent and legitimate usage of all union funds. The audit is carried out at the end of the fiscal year, with most meetings held in April or May. Honorarium: $1000 per member per year.

Members: Beheshta Sharifi (term ends 2025), Vacant (term ends 2026), Elena Chou (term ends 2027).

Visit the webpage about committees for more information about our Local’s different committees and their responsibilities.

The deadline for nominations is October 22, 2024 at 5pm Eastern!

Questions? Contact Melvin Chan, Secretary-Treasurer, at

Grievance Stories

An essential part of CUPE 3903’s work is to file grievances against violations of the Collective Agreement. The purpose of this form is to gather stories from individual members about these grievances. We’re looking to understand members’ experiences rather than the specifics and how of a given grievance, as we need to maintain confidentiality of grievances following the rules outlined in Article 6 of our Collective Agreements.

This information is being gathered as part of a larger campaign to understand the services your dues pay for. Stories shared will help promote the benefits of being in CUPE 3903 and make a case that the union needs more income to continue supporting members.

Please share your stories with us!

Questions? Contact Melvin Chan, Secretary-Treasurer, at Also check out the relevant post on our website.

Open Letter: Reclaim York for Students and Workers

Concerned about admin-led restructuring at York? Sign this open letter and attend the Reclaiming York for Students and Workers rally on September 25th!

Pervasive admin-led restructuring at York University has been severely detrimental to both students and workers. The austerity measures that have been implemented are wide-ranging and have demonstrably worsened educational quality, working conditions, and the overall experience of being a member of the York University community.

Most recently, in bargaining with the York University Staff Association, the Employer has proposed numerous concessionary demands including capping sick day accruals, allowing unlimited numbers of interns to perform bargaining unit work, and allowing managers to book YUSA members off on vacation without their consent. While the number of managers has ballooned by over 40% at the university during the past 8 years, unionized support staff levels are being slashed through employee exit programs. York administration cannot claim to be “committed to the public good” and “promise excellence in research and teaching” while also axing funding to the foundations of the institution.

These cost-cutting measures are harming the quality of York as an educational institution and undermining safe working conditions. They are also fundamentally unnecessary. It is shameful that this administration has moved to funnel money into private security, expensive union busting law firms, opening additional campuses, and expanding administrative bloat rather than supporting its students and workers. It is indefensible to blame financial issues on the York community itself rather than, for example, the fact that for over 200 million dollars worth of major capital projects, “no financial analysis or evaluation was undertaken” to ensure this spending was viable.

York University has systematically deprioritized pedagogy and hired expensive consultants to implement austerity. The University’s own published data indicates a ratio of more than one manager for every two full time faculty members. Increasingly, the administration seems to be treating York University like a revenue-generating opportunity rather than a site for knowledge and learning. An educational institution cannot and should not be defined by its profitability. Putting profits over people undercuts academic quality but also stifles any free speech on campus that is deemed unfriendly to corporate interests. This has manifested in increased over-policing and suppression of both students’ and workers’ resistance.

In reclaiming York University for students and workers, we call for those in charge to re-center the community members that give this space genuine meaning and value. We call on the administration of York University to prioritize students and workers over capital gains.

Sign your name now!


See the original version of this post on

The Unit 2 Stewards’ Council is pleased to announce the following list of unit 2 stewards and their groups. Unit 2 stewards will strive to:

    • Support and encourage unit 2 members to participate in their departments and Faculty Councils.

    • Help unit 2 members connect with each other and build relationships.

    • Offer workshops on the benefits and protections we have as members of CUPE 3903.

    • Promote campaigns that advocate for unit 2 and for the union as a whole.

    • Reduce the isolation of unit 2 members from each other, the union and the university.

    • Meet regularly with other unit 2 stewards to pool ideas and work together.

Please expect your steward to contact you in the coming days and weeks. Unit 2 stewards provide member support across different departments and hiring units. They advise and receive support from the Lead Steward Unit 2, Neil Braganza.

Glendon Campus Unit 2 Stewards

Faculty of Glendon College (all hiring units) Sabine Dreher –
Aida Jordao –
Alban Bargain

Keele Campus Unit 2 Stewards

Mathematics & Statistics Gordon Craig –
Science – Biology
Science – Physics & Astronomy
Science – Chemistry
Science – Science Tech & Society
Lassonde – Civil Engineering
Lassonde – Mechanical Engineering
Lassonde – Office of the Dean
Angela Cope –
Colin Campbell –
Languages Literature & Linguistics Kevin Reynolds –
English, Writing, Communications & Media Megan Hillman –
Gender, Sexuality & Women’s studiesEquity StudiesSocial Work Elena Basile –
Theatre, Dance & Performance Janelle Hanna –
Philosophy Julie Allen –
Social Science Kate Laxer –

Join the team!

If you would like to join the Unit 2 Stewards’ Council, the time commitment would be roughly equivalent to a TAship minus the reading and grading. Contract Neil, Lead Steward Unit 2, at for more information and to express interest.

Faculty of Education We need at least 1 unit 2 steward.
Nursing (Faculty of Health) We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in the school of Nursing.
Faculty of Health We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in  Kinesiology, Psychology, Global Health.
Faculty of LA&PS We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in Anthropology, Economics, History, Humanities, Information Technology, Politics, Public Policy & Administration.
Lassonde School of Engineering We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in Lassonde.
Faculty of AMPD We need 3 stewards to support unit 2 members in CMA, Design, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts.

New Website! —

After a lot of hard work and effort, our new website is available at! We are soft launching it and intend to gradually migrate over material from to the newly updated website. There will be a transitional period where both websites are updated to some extent, after which, will be archived.

For all the latest CUPE 3903 news, meetings and events, information about who we are, what we fight for, and more, your new source is! Special thanks to our Staff, Maija Duncan, for all of her efforts. We hope you love the new site!

For any questions about the new website, email the Communications Officer, Mackenzie Edwards, at

A screenshot of, which has a dark red navigation menu on the top, an accessibility icon, and text overlaid on a rally photo. that reads "CUPE 3903: Proudly representing Teaching Assistants, Contract Faculty, Graduate & Research Assistants, Part-Time Librarians & Archivists, and Canadian Observatory on Homelessness workers at York University", with a green button that says "Learn More About the Union".

Results for Committee By-Elections 2024-2025

Committee by-elections took place during the September 19th, 2024 General Membership Meeting. Here are the results of the election.

Postings Officer (1 vacancy)

    • Marlene Murphy: 21 (50.0%)

    • Ryan Whiston: 11 (26.2%)

    • Farida Mersali: 10 (23.8%)


Total: 55
Abstain: 13 (23.6%)

Childcare Committee (4 vacancies)

    • Joanna Pearce: 26 (19.4%)

    • Tareq K: 25 (18.7%)

    • Chantal Abouchar: 23 (17.2%)

    • Margaret Lebold: 20 (14.9%)

    • Aldona Nowak: 14 (10.4%)

    • Habib ur-Rehman: 14 (10.4%)

    • Ahmed Mohamed 12 (9.0%)


Total: 55
Abstain: 13 (23.6%)

Ways & Means Fund Committee (4 vacancies)

    • Alireza Azizi: 38 (24.8%)

    • Lisa Smith: 29 (19.0%)

    • Ryan Whiston: 23 (15.0%)

    • Tareq K: 16 (10.5%)

    • Margaret Lebold: 13 (8.5%)

    • Ari Para 12 (7.8%)

    • Chantal Abouchar: 9 (5.9%)

    • Farida Mersali: 6 (3.9%)

    • Aldona Nowak: 4 (2.6%)

    • Habib ur-Rehman: 3 (2.0%)


Total: 55
Abstain: 5 (9.1%)

Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee (2 vacancies)

Restricted to Unit 2 (Contract Faculty)

    • Angela Hug: 14 (60.9%)

    • Jiang He: 5 (21.7%)

    • Habib ur-Rehman: 4 (17.4%)


Total: 19
Abstain: 5 (26.3%)

The new committee members will be contacted directly by one of the Vice-Presidents over the coming weeks. Congratulations and thank you to our newest committee members!

Bylaw Amendments Passed at September 2024 General Membership Meeting

Amendments to several bylaws were voted on at the September 19th, 2024 General Membership Meeting. Thanks to all members for coming out to discuss and vote. Members can find the amendment language in the September 2024 GMM Agenda Package. Here are the results of the vote.

Bylaws Amendment to Article 10

Yes: 29 (90.6%)
No: 3 (9.4%)


Total: 35
Abstain: 3 (8.6%)

Bylaws Amendment to Article 8

Yes: 29 (85.3%)
No: 5 (14.7%)


Total: 35
Abstain: 1 (2.9%)

Bylaws Amendment to Appendix E

Yes: 32 (97.0%)
No: 1 (3.0%)


Total: 35
Abstain: 2 (5.7%)

Supplementary Hardship Fund

The Executive Committee has made available $15,000 in the form of a one-time supplementary hardship fund to help alleviate hardship experienced by members during the 2023-2024 year. The mandate is to make funds available to Local members who find themselves in unexpected financial crisis, for example, caused by a death in the family, unforeseen illness (for yourself or dependants), theft and/or legal costs, and other emergency circumstances.
The deadline to apply is Oct 4, you can apply for the fund here: