Workplace & Academic Disability-Based Accommodations

Workplace Accommodation Procedure

  1. You or your union representative contact Employee Well-Being (EWB). If you are emailing EWB yourself we recommend you copy in a union representative.
  2. EWB staff will follow up with you and either:
    1. Request an intake meeting to assess your accommodation needs, or
    2. Send you a list of questions to have your medical practitioner fill out. (The questions and some tips can be found here.)
  3. Once EWB receives medical documentation they may:
    1. Request a meeting with you to discuss accommodation needs, or
    2. Begin developing a workplace accommodation plan.
  4. EWB will then contact the Associate Dean and the Hiring Unit to inquire about
    adjustments to job duties, implementation of accommodations and/or work
    availability (no disclosure of disability or medical information to either the Hiring
    Unit, Course Director, or Associate Dean).
  5. EWB will then draft an Accommodated Work Plan (AWP) and
    send it to you (and union representative if requested).
  6. You will review the AWP and, if appropriate, sign the AWP
    (If the AWP does not meet your needs fully, you are encouraged to contact the CUPE 3903 Equity Officer).
  7. Once the plan is signed and submitted to EWB, the Associate Dean appoints
    someone to monitor the implementation of the AWP.
  8. Accommodations are reviewed and renewed on an annual basis.

Workplace Accommodations Info Sessions Slides

The CUPE 3903 Equity Officer prepared a presentation on workplace accommodations, delivered in 2021-22. The latest version is from January 13th, 2022. You can access the slides here:

Academic Accommodations

A step-by-step graduate student accommodation procedure is available on the FGS website (and linked below)


Standard Operating Procedure & Roles

While FGS provides information on accommodations Academic Accommodations themselves are carried out through York’s Student Accessibility Services. The form(s) and procedures are found here: