Workplace Accommodation Procedure
- You or your union representative contact Employee Well-Being (EWB). If you are emailing EWB yourself we recommend you copy in a union representative.
- EWB staff will follow up with you and either:
- Request an intake meeting to assess your accommodation needs, or
- Send you a list of questions to have your medical practitioner fill out. (The questions and some tips can be found here.)
- Once EWB receives medical documentation they may:
- Request a meeting with you to discuss accommodation needs, or
- Begin developing a workplace accommodation plan.
- EWB will then contact the Associate Dean and the Hiring Unit to inquire about
adjustments to job duties, implementation of accommodations and/or work
availability (no disclosure of disability or medical information to either the Hiring
Unit, Course Director, or Associate Dean). - EWB will then draft an Accommodated Work Plan (AWP) and
send it to you (and union representative if requested). - You will review the AWP and, if appropriate, sign the AWP
(If the AWP does not meet your needs fully, you are encouraged to contact the CUPE 3903 Equity Officer). - Once the plan is signed and submitted to EWB, the Associate Dean appoints
someone to monitor the implementation of the AWP. - Accommodations are reviewed and renewed on an annual basis.
Workplace Accommodations Info Sessions Slides
The CUPE 3903 Equity Officer prepared a presentation on workplace accommodations, delivered in 2021-22. The latest version is from January 13th, 2022. You can access the slides here:
- Workplace Accommodations Presentation Slides
- Workplace Accommodations Presentation Slides (in plain text for e-readers)
Academic Accommodations
A step-by-step graduate student accommodation procedure is available on the FGS website (and linked below)
Standard Operating Procedure & Roles
While FGS provides information on accommodations Academic Accommodations themselves are carried out through York’s Student Accessibility Services. The form(s) and procedures are found here: