Bargaining Team Vacancies: Unit 2 and Unit 3

Unit 2: One  Vacancy for Unit 2 Bargaining Team – Nominations open November 23rd – December 4th (5pm)

There is a Unit 2 vacancy on the Bargaining Team, due to a resignation. Nominations for this position are open until Friday, December 4th at 5pm.

To submit your nomination: click on this link to fill out and submit your nomination form.

Contested positions will have a run-off election, with a two-week campaigning period (from December 5th to December 19th), followed by a 5-day voting period. Voting will be administered by Simply Voting.

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Report Back – Second Bargaining Meeting with the Employer on November 16th (4–5pm)

After the initial bargaining session on October 30th, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team met with the Employer on November 16th. In response to the Bargaining Team stating it could not ask its membership to agree to proposals without specifics, the Employer requested the November 16th meeting to present the Bargaining Team with unit-specific proposals to “roll over” the existing Collective Agreements for 3 years (until August 31, 2023) with minor changes. The proposals have a deadline of December 16th. Members can see the Employer’s framework of proposals here.

An automatic extension (i.e. a roll-over) is a practice in contract negotiations where the parties agree to continue the Collective Agreements unchanged for a set amount of time. Since many of our funds and programs expire at the end of each Collective Agreement, the Bargaining Team had previously indicated to the Employer that an automatic extension would not be viable, because those items (dated items) that expire would need to be renegotiated. The Employer responded with this framework, which is not an extension in the legal sense but would limit the scope of what can be bargained this round, if the Union agreed.

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Bargaining Update for November 13th, and Bargaining Meetings with Employer on November 16th and 25th

i) Bargaining Update – November 13th Bargaining Team Meeting

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team met on Friday, November 13th. Thanks to the rank-and-file members and members of the Executive Committee who joined our meeting.

The Bargaining Team discussed the important matters to bring up in the upcoming meeting with the employer on Monday, November 16th. Representatives of each unit within the Bargaining Team discussed their unit-specific proposals that will be presented at the November 16th General Membership Meeting, to ensure the accuracy of the language with the help of our staff. Equity proposals and bargaining strategy were further discussed in this meeting.

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Candidates’ Statements for the Position of Chief Steward Unit 2

The nomination period for the Chief Steward Unit 2 position has ended. We have two candidates in the running: Elena Chou and Christoper Luszczek.

The campaigning period will run from November 7th to November 20th, and will be followed by a voting period of 5 days, starting at 9:00am on November 21st and ending at 5:00pm on November 25th. As this position is specific to Unit 2, voting is limited to Unit 2 members. All Unit 2 members will receive a voting link via their email. Digital voting will be carried out by Simply Voting.

Candidate statements by Elena Chou and Chris Luszczek:

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A Meeting to Call for Fossil-Free Divestment of York’s Financial Assets

When: Tuesday, November 17, 2:30-4:30 pm (by Zoom)
Who: Full-time faculty, contract faculty, students and staff at York University

Why: Members of the university community — all faculty, students and staff — are invited to a meeting to organize a fossil-free divestment movement at York University.

York’s new university academic plan has committed the university to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals and to climate action — it is time to move from words to action. York holds hundreds of millions of dollars in financial assets, including the York endowment fund and the York pension plan. These financial investments should stop supporting the stranded assets of the fossil fuel industry and instead help build a just and sustainable future.

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November GMM (November 16th, 2020) – Tentative Agenda

Click here for Zoom registration (required to attend meeting).

Our next GMM will be November 16th, 2020 on zoom! At this GMM, we will be voting on bylaw amendments and donation requests, as well as voting on bargaining proposals. All members are encouraged to attend.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more.

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Anti-Black Racism Framework – Invitation to Meeting

On September 24th the Executive Committee had sent a letter to President Lenton to welcome her proposed initiatives to hire Black faculty, as outlined in her June 12th and August 31st statements. Although we appreciated these initiatives, we were dismayed to find out that racialized CUPE 3903 contract faculty had been left out of these plans. In our letter we therefore inquired what plans the employer had to ensure equitable hiring practices for our Black contract faculty members.

In response, we have now received a letter from Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek (VP Equity, People and Culture) that she, along with President Lenton, Dr. Carl James (Senior Advisor on Equity and Representation), and Dr. Andrea Davis (Special Advisor on LA&PS Anti-Black Racism Strategy), are inviting CUPE 3903 Contract Faculty members who identify as Black to a Zoom meeting on Thursday, November 19th from 11:15am–12:15pm. The purpose of this meeting is to seek input on the draft Anti-Black Racism Framework.

If you are a 3903 Black Contract Faculty member who wishes to attend this meeting in order to join in on this conversation, please send an email to Alicia Pinter ( A draft copy of the Anti-Black Racism Framework will be shared in advance of the meeting for review and consideration.

Notice – Short Bargaining Meeting with the Employer on November 16th (4–5pm)

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team (BT) and Employer met for the first time on October 30th. Thanks to the rank and file members who attended bargaining to support the team. The report back can be read here.

Following this session, the BT and Employer are scheduled for a short meeting (1 hour) on November 16th at 4pm to discuss the following items:

  • Additional equity proposals
  • Extension agreements to each of the Units 1, 2 and 3 collective agreements and if our local’s membership want to agree or disagree with the extensions
  • Discuss the provisions that do not extend beyond the life of the current collective agreements

Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. You will need to register in advance here: Registration link

Chief Steward Unit 2 Campaign Period from November 7th–20th

The nomination period for the Chief Steward Unit 2 position has ended. We have two candidates: Elena Chou and Christoper Luszczek.

The campaign period will now run from November 7th to November 20th, and will be followed by a 5-day voting period from 9:00am on November 21st to 5:00pm on November 25th. As this position is Unit 2 specific, voting is limited to Unit 2 members.

Unit 2 members will receive their voting link via their email. Digital voting will be carried out by Simply Voting.

Candidate statements can be read here.