Annual General Membership Meeting (March 16th, 2021)

Our 2021 Annual general Membership Meeting will be held on March 16th, 20201 from 1:00–4:00 pm. At this AGM, we will be electing committee members, approving our annual operating budget and opening the election for contested executive committee positions.

All members are encouraged to attend.

Please register in advance for the AGM here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

After registering, members will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you are having any difficulties with registration, please get in touch with Vanessa Lehan-Streisel, VP Unit 2.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more.

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Report Back – Mediated Bargaining Sessions with Mediator Chris Albertyn – February 27th and 28th

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team continued the process of mediated bargaining on job security issues with the help of Chris Albertyn. While there was some progress over the weekend, the parties remain far apart. Mediated bargaining will continue on March 13th and 14th. Members can find all passes by the Employer and the Union here.

February 27: Third Day of Mediated Bargaining with Chris Albertyn

The Employer’s counter-proposals

The Employer presented counter proposals on the Transitional Continuing Appointments (TCA) and on post-retirement benefits. Key highlights include

  • The TCA counter offers only a two-year path to retirement (framed as ‘incentive’);
  • The post-retirement benefits counter extends the time to file for retirement from to five months from the end of the last contract, but does not change the $1800 cap on the post-retirement benefits spending account (the Employer cited oversubscription concerns for this, even though the fund has run surpluses every year since its 2008 inception), and does not extend email privileges beyond retirement.

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Executive Committee Elections: Candidate Statements

Nominations for the 2021-22 Executive Committee closed on February 28, with three contested positions: Treasurer, Vice President Unit 1 and Vice President Unit 2. The candidate statements for the contested positions are below. Voting for the contested positions (via Simply Voting) will start on March 16 at 5pm, and continue until March 21 at 5pm.

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February 2021 York U Pension Fund Newsletter

Members might be interested in the below link that contains information about the York University Pension Fund, sent on behalf of the Pension Investment office:

The February 2021 Pension Newsletter is posted on the Pension Fund website. No YU Link access is required for viewing the newsletter. Please click here to view the Pension Newsletter for February 2021.

Report Back: February 23 BT and February 26 Bargaining Meetings

Bargaining Team Meeting – February 23

The Bargaining Team met on February 23rd to review the Employer’s most recent proposals from February 16 and 18, implications of Bill 124 on our monetary proposals, and the benefits proposals recommended for inclusion in our package. We also prepared for the bargaining meeting with the Employer on Friday, February 26th. The Bargaining Team decided to focus on proposals relating to Nursing and Unit 3 at this meeting, as they are priorities for the Union in this round of bargaining. We also continued to prepare for the weekend bargaining sessions facilitated by mediator Chris Albertyn, which took place on February 27th and 28th. During these sessions, we continued to discuss job security measures. Members can see the Union’s job security proposals, as well as the counters exchanged by parties during the weekend session here

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Documents from February 26th, 27th, and 28th Bargaining and Mediation

The Bargaining Team met with the Employer for a bargaining meeting on Friday February 26th. The Union also continued engaging with mediator Chris Albertyn on Unit 2 job security proposals on Saturday February 27th and Sunday February 28th. A detailed report will be available shortly; below you can find the documents exchanged over these three days, as well as comparison charts prepared by the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team.

February 26th Bargaining Session

February 27th Mediation Session

February 28th Mediation Session

Comparison Charts – Union and Employer Proposals

General Elections Nominations

Nominations for the 2021-22 Executive Committee elections closed at 5pm on February 28. For contested positions, the campaigning period is open as of March 1st, and will continue until voting (via Simply Voting) opens at 5pm on March 16th. Members will receive a link and their voting credentials via email from Simply Voting. The election will conclude at 5pm on March 21st.

The list of nominees for the Executive Committee positions are below. Candidate statements for the contested positions will be posted on the evening of March 3.


Vanessa Lehan – acclaimed


Michael Laurentius
Sylvia Peacock

Recording Secretary: 

Jacob McLean – acclaimed

Communications Officer: 

Firoza Elavia – acclaimed

Grievance Officer: 

Parbattie Ramsarran – acclaimed

Vice President Unit 1:

Ali Gholami
Chris Little

Vice President Unit 2:

Julie Allen
Lina Nasr El Hag Ali

Vice President Unit 3: 

Rawan Abdelbaki – acclaimed

Chief Steward Unit 1: 

Alie Hermanutz – acclaimed

Chief Steward Unit 2: 

Christopher Bailey – acclaimed

Chief Steward Unit 3

No nominees.

Chief Steward Unit 4: 

Stephanie Power – acclaimed

TFAC Elections – Consider Nominating Yourself for TFAC Co-Chair!

The nomination period for the executive position of the Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) co-chair will open March 5, 2021 and will remain open until 5pm March 15, 2021. TFAC members of any unit are eligible for this position. All women, trans, gender queer and gender variant members of the local are automatically members of the TFAC whether or not you have ever attended a meeting. Please see below for a full description of the position’s responsibilities.

We welcome and strongly encourage involvement of persons with one or more disabilities, lesbian, bisexual, two-spirited, queer and trans persons, persons from racialized groups, and Indigenous persons.

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