CUPE Ontario Convention 2021 – Call for Resolutions

CUPE Ontario will be holding its annual convention virtually May 26th to May 28th, 2021. As part of our participation in the event, CUPE 3903 is submitting resolutions for consideration to the Convention Resolution Committee.

We would like to invite all members to submit resolutions for consideration for the CUPE Ontario Convention. Resolutions must not exceed 200 words in total.

If you would like to submit a resolution or need help in crafting language, please email the Recording Secretary Emilie Hurst at

The deadline for submissions is March 30th at 5:00pm. All submitted resolutions will be approved at the Executive Committee Transition Meeting on March 31st, which all members are welcome to attend.

Report Back – Bargaining meeting with the Employer, March 19

On March 19, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team (BT) met with the Employer and presented proposals on issues such as wage increases, late payment penalties, updates to benefits. Members can see the proposals discussed in this meeting here. We hope to hear back from the Employer shortly on all of these important and substantive issues.

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Report Back – Mediated Bargaining Sessions with Chris Albertyn, March 13 and 14

On March 13, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team (BT) met with Chris Albertyn for the third full weekend sessions to discuss the interlocking issues of job security and equity. While there was some positive movement and we remain optimistic about the ongoing mediated bargaining process, the parties have yet to come to an agreement on any of the outstanding issues. The Union is disappointed that there were no sign-offs at the end of our third weekend. 

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Vacancies on Committees – Nomination Period Extended to March 30th (5pm)

Following the initial nomination period for committee positions, the following committees still have vacancies. Nominations are therefore reopened. Interested members should email VP1 Stacey by 5pm March 30th to nominate themselves. More information on committee responsibilities can be found on the Committees page, or members can email Stacey for more information.

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Report Back – Bargaining Team Meeting on March 11

The Bargaining Team (BT) met from 4:00pm-6:30pm to review the Employer’s Nursing counter proposals. We also prepared for the upcoming bargaining sessions on March 19th, and the mediated week bargaining sessions with Chris Albertyn on March 13th and 14th. During the weekend sessions, the BT will continue to discuss job security measures. Members can see the Union’s job security proposals, as well as the counters exchanged by parties during the weekend session here. Finally, the BT discussed the report-back to be presented at the AGM on March 16.

Next Meetings 
Members are encouraged to join us for our upcoming bargaining meetings with the Employer. Dates and exact times of all meetings can be found on our calendar here. Please register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the meeting.

Members can also get in touch with the Bargaining Team for questions and comments.

We’re Hiring: Staff Representative (Term, Full time)

CUPE 3903 Staff Representative (Term) Job Posting

Employer: Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3903
Position: Staff Representative (Term, Full time)

Position Type

Term replacement position for 18 months with the possibility of renewal. This is a term replacement for a Staff Representative on leave. At least 6 weeks notice will be given for any extension or termination of the contract.

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