April 18th GMM 10am-1pm

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom on April 18th from 10am to 1pm! All members are encouraged to attend.

At the meeting, the executive will provide a break down of what it means now that we’re in a bargaining year, with bargaining officially beginning in August. There will also be a discussion of issues that might become bargaining priorities, followed by a timeline to a possible strike.

Please register in advance for this meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Tentative Agenda:

    1. Roll call of officers (2 minutes)
    2. Reading of the Equality Statement (3 minutes) (Page 3)
    3. Reading of the Mississauga Land Acknowledgement (2 minutes) (Page 4)
    4. Approval of agenda (3 minutes)
    5. Notices (5 minutes) (Page 5)
      1. MMiWG Donation $1500
      2. Every Child Matters Donation $1500
    6. Approval of Minutes (5 minutes) 
      1. 2023-03-24 AGM Minutes 
    7. Nominations, Elections, Installations (10 minutes) (Page 5) 
      1. Vacancies on committees
      2. Delegates for conferences and conventions 
        1. CLC Delegates
    8. Finances (30 minutes) 
    1. Treasurer’s Report [See separate document] 
    1. Matters arising (50 minutes) (Page 6)
      1. Donation Requests
        1. OPIRG Donation, $1,000
        2. S4S (Students for Students), $3,600
        3. CUPE 4600 $10,000
      2. Bylaw amendments
        1. Amendment to Appendix F: Committee Member Removal Process
        2. Change title of ‘Chief Steward’ to ‘Lead Steward’
      3. Establishment of Climate Action Working Group
      4. Motion to destroy ballots from 2023 Executive Committee Elections 
    2. Executive Report-backs (10  minutes) 
    3. Reports of Committees and Delegates (10 minutes) 
    4. Adjournment

If you have items to add to the agenda please contact the Recording Secretary,Vanessa Lehan, at recsec.cupe3903@gmail.com.

If you require any of the following: ASL interpretation, reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care, or other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer Nadia Kanani at cupe3903equity@gmail.com.

Committee Positions Still Open for Nominations

There are still many great opportunities to join a committee this year! The number in the parentheses shows the vacancies and the nomination period is from April 10 to 24. More information about the responsibilities and honoraria of the committees is available here.

Committees with Open Positions:

– CUPE Toronto District Council (2)

– CSEU Committee (New in 2021) (1)

– Distribution Committee (5)

– Elections Committee (2)

– Forum Moderators (2)

– Joint Health and Safety Committee Reps (12)

– Labour Management Committee, Units 1-3 (1)

– Labour Management Committee, Unit 4 (3)

– Nursing Specific Posting Officer (2)

– Unit 1 Research Costs Fund Committee (1)

– Senate Representative (1)

– Toronto York Region Labour Council Representatives (4)

– Affordable Housing Committee (1)

Which committee will you join? Interested members should email Ali Gholami,VP Unit 1, cupe3903vpu1@gmail.com to nominate themselves or for more information

Call for Delegates for 30th Annual Canadian Labour Congress Convention

The Canadian Labour Congress’s 30th annual Convention will take place May 8-12, 2023 in Montreal.

The CLC is the largest labour organization in Canada, comprised of unions, federations of labour, and labour councils. Convention is an opportunity to participate in identifying political priorities and strategies for the CLC. 

This is an opportunity to make connections with workers from other sectors, build relationships within the postsecondary sector, and have a voice and vote on the resolutions that will guide the work of the Canadian Labour Congress for the next year.

CUPE 3903 can send up to 4 delegates to the Convention. Delegates will have their registration, travel, and accommodations covered as well as $65 per day to cover food and other incidental costs. 

Any members who wish to nominate themselves can contact Vice President Unit 1 Ali Gholami at cupe3903vpu1@gmail.com. Nominations will close April 17th at 5:00 p.m.

Call for Delegates and Resolutions for 59th Annual CUPE Ontario Convention

CUPE Ontario’s 59th Annual Convention will take place May 30 to June 3 in Toronto. All Ontario CUPE Locals are invited to the annual convention. This is an opportunity to make connections with workers from other sectors, build relationships within the postsecondary sector, and have a voice and vote on the resolutions that will guide the work of CUPE Ontario for the next year.

Call for Delegates

CUPE 3903 can send up to 14 delegates to the Convention. Delegates will have their registration covered as well as $65 per day to cover food and other incidental costs. Accommodations will be covered if needed.

Any members who wish to nominate themselves can contact Vice President Unit 1 Ali Gholami at cupe3903vpu1@gmail.com. Nominations will close April 17th at 5:00 p.m.

Call for Resolutions

As part of our participation in the event, CUPE 3903 is submitting resolutions for consideration to the Convention Resolutions Committee. Resolutions are voted on by the Convention delegates to direct the CUPE Ontario Executive Committee for the upcoming year.

We would like to invite all members to submit resolutions for consideration for the CUPE Ontario Convention. Resolutions must not exceed 200 words in total. Resolutions should address a single issue and clearly articulate the change or decision you want to make.

If you would like to submit a resolution or need help in crafting language, please email the Chairperson Stephanie Latella at cupe3903chairperson@gmail.com.

The deadline for submissions is April 11th at 5:00pm. Resolutions will then be reviewed and submitted by members of the Executive Committee.

Election Results

Executive Committee Elections Results

Voting in the general election for the Executive Committee closed on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm. The positions up for election were Chief Steward Unit 1 and  Communications Officer. Congratulations to all new members of the Executive Committee! Results are below.

Chief Steward Unit 1

Matthew Lomas – 80 votes (61.5%) – ELECTED

Ehsan Tabesh – 50 votes (38.5%)


Communications Officer

Erin McIntosh – 142 votes (56.1%) – ELECTED

Vedanth Govi – 61 votes (24.1%)

Arefeh Shamskhany – 50 votes (19.8%)


Instructions for Voting in the Executive Committee Elections 2023

Today marks the start of the Executive Committee Elections. If you are having issues with receiving your voting ballot from Simply Voting, please try the following things:

1) Check your employee email address
2) Check any email address you have associated with York University that they may have on file. We receive member email addresses from the university.
3) Check your junk mail on your emails as well
4) Try searching ‘Simply Voting’ in your inbox,  the email comes from vote@simplyvoting.com
If these DO NOT work, please send the elections officers (cupe3903eo@gmail.com) your full name, primary email address, and your employee number. Please note voting ends on 29th March 2023, 5PM (EST).


Vacancies on Multiple Sub-Committees Are Still Open!

Nominations are now open for the committee positions listed below. Interested members should email Ali Gholami,VP Unit 1, cupe3903vpu1@gmail.com to nominate themselves or for more information. The number in parenthesis shows the number of available vacancies, and more information about the committees is available here.

  • Advisory Committee on Race/Ethnic relations (1) 
  • Bargaining Research Preparatory Committee (2)
  • Bilingualism Committee (1)
  • Communications Committee (1)
  • CUPE Toronto District Council (3)
  • CSEU Committee (New in 2021) (2)
  • Distribution Committee (5)
  • Forum Moderators (changed in bylaws from Listserv mods 2018) (2)
  • Joint Health and Safety Committee Reps (12)
  • International Graduate Students’ Committee (1)
  • Labour Management Committee, Units 1-3 (1)
  • Labour Management Committee, Unit 4 (3)
  • Postings Officers (1)
  • Nursing Specific Posting Officer (2)
  • Unit 1 Research Costs Fund Committee (1)
  • Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee (1)
  • Senate Representative (1)
  • Toronto York Region Labour Council Representatives (6)
  • Union Trustees Committee (3)

Executive Elections 2023: Candidate Statements

Chief Steward Unit 1
Matt Lomas
I am the current Chief Steward for Unit 1, having been in the role since January 2022, and I am hoping to be re-elected to continue serving. Prior to working for the members of CUPE 3903, I represented the workers at Western University as the Chief Steward for the Social Sciences with PSAC 610. My experience as Chief Steward makes me particularly suited to the role as we go into what I expect will be a particularly contentious round of bargaining. Since I started in the role, I’ve been glad to be able to help members to understand their Collective Agreement rights through things like orientations and other workshops, but also by helping to prepare material such as the Unit 1 TA Handbook. I’ve also been able to assist members in organising direct action campaigns when those Collective Agreement rights have been violated or ignored. Not only do I think these things are vital for our members, I enjoy doing them. This year, CUPE 3903 is going into bargaining coming out of the wage freeze imposed by Bill 124 and during a period of serious inflation in Canada. To ensure that you get the best possible deal, you need to have an experienced representative who is dedicated to understanding and supporting you as union members and as workers. I have the experience, the institutional knowledge, and the dedication to do this for you, and that’s why I hope to be able to continue working with CUPE 3903 members as the Chief Steward for Unit 1.

Ehsan Tabesh
As a fourth-year PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department, I am excited to express my keen interest in running for the position of Chief Steward Unit 1 for 2023-2024 in CUPE 9303 at York University.
My academic journey has been closely tied to various associations and unions, such as the Material Engineering Students’ Association (MESA), the Iranian Union of Scientific Student Associations of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering (IUSAME), and the York University Graduate Student Association (YUGSA). Through these experiences, I have gained a wealth of valuable skills in decision-making, conflict resolution, and the art of reconciling differing perspectives.
My dedication to the cause of social justice and equity is reflected in my last role as the Vice President Finance at YUGSA. During my tenure, I worked hard to make YUGSA a more inclusive, supportive, and anti-discriminatory organization. I was responsible for communication, coordinating and providing various services to graduate students at York, acted as the chief signing authority for the organization, and ensured that funds were disbursed in accordance with Council instructions.
As a candidate for the Chief Steward Unit 1 position, I firmly believe that my extensive experience, combined with my passion for serving union members, will enable me to excel in this role. I am committed to being an effective communicator, a proactive problem-solver, and a dedicated advocate for the rights and interests of union members. My diverse experiences and skills make me a strong candidate for this position.


Communications Officer
Erin McIntosh
Hi, I’m Erin McIntosh and I’m running for Communications Officer. As a Unit 1 Steward for the Department of Politics, I love organizing and connecting with fellow members, and my “friends and comrades” email communications have even become somewhat renowned within the department.

As it stands, the long-term effects of the global pandemic have resulted in a membership that is more disconnected and isolated than ever. We are heading into bargaining and often struggle to meet quorum for meetings. We need communications that feel inclusive, empowering and that leaves membership knowing that they are integral to union function, that it is not something that exists without them. I see a comprehensive communications campaign, premised on community and capacity building, as a crucial part of addressing these challenges.

I have experience managing communications for a non-profit organization, including newsletters, educational materials, website overhaul, press, and social media. Additionally, I have interned as a social media marketing assistant in the arts sector, and have learned the skills needed for creating a powerful social media campaign across many platforms. I have successfully promoted and executed a variety of events, ranging from workshops and conferences to fundraisers and cabarets.

This role will require dedication, determination and focus. If elected, I will work tirelessly to ensure that all members are informed, and engaged, with our unions’ activities, events and initiatives. The following are proposed strategies that I will adapt in collaboration with the wider executive team and membership:

  • Maintaining consistent and clear communications on procedure, meetings and news.
    • Revamping the weekly newsletters.
    • Website updates and maintenance.
    • Additional promotional communications for meetings and actions.
    • Creating educational material to share with members when promoting meetings so that they feel informed and empowered to participate.
  • A comprehensive social media campaign across all major platforms
    • Creating and maintaining a strict social media schedule and content calendar.
    • Building community through regularly scheduled cross-organization solidarity posts and information sharing.
    • Developing a bargaining specific communications campaign outside of regular scheduled communications.

Vedanth Govi
My name is Vedanth Govi (they/them) and I am a PhD student at LAPS, at the Department of Anthropology. I am running for the executive committee position of Communications Officer (CO) for the 2023 term. I bring experience to this position at a time where the communications landscape is rapidly changing and therefore my experience will be crucial in revamping various aspects of the communication portfolio. In my time as the CO for the previous term, I have initiated several projects to improve our communications, including working closely with our Equity Officer and Assistant-Staff representative towards creating a website that is more accessible in further compliance the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). Furthermore, I also helped develop the COVID-19 Reporting Tool as part of our back-to-campus campaign and revived our Instagram page to make information available across a variety of platforms. I want to build on the work I have been doing, which includes focusing on the following projects, and others as might emerge:

  1. Building a more robust social media policy that cements our Twitter and Instagram profiles firmly in the algorithm by developing a scheduling roster that turns posting across platforms into a well-oiled machine so that these platforms can be used effectively for our campaigns during times of outreach, to inform and, fight back against various forms of misinformation.
  2. Work closely with our website vendor Union1 to ensure that new 3903 website is rolled out in the coming term with all our major accessibility concerns addressed.
  3. Work with the Bargaining Team to improve bargaining survey reach and relevance, as well as raise awareness about key issues for all units as we build towards bargaining.
  4.  Reorganise the Comms profile to include the Recording Secretary to build towards efficiency by collaborating on all overlapping areas.

Arefeh Shamskhany
My name is Arefeh Shamskhany and I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Civil Engineering Department, at York University. As Communications Officer, I will strive to ensure that all members are informed and engaged in our local’s activities. I had similar responsibility at YUGSA as the VP-Internal for the past year, and I know the ups and downs of this position. I believe that it is essential to maintain an open line of communication between the Executive Committee and the membership. To achieve this, I will hold monthly meetings with the members of the Communications and Distribution Committees to gather input and feedback and to ensure that the communication strategy aligns with the local’s goals and values.
In addition to the newsletter and social media, I will explore new avenues to reach out to our membership, such as podcasts, webinars, and other digital media. One of my goals is to ensure that our communication is accessible and inclusive to all members, including those with accessibility requirements.
As a responsible and experienced communication officer, I understand the importance of record-keeping and confidentiality. I will ensure that all books, seals, and other properties of the Local Union are properly maintained and transferred to my successor upon the termination of my term of office. I will also provide a copy of all documents pertaining to my work to the CUPE 3903 Archive to ensure that our history and achievements are archived and preserved for future generations.
In summary, I believe that my experience, skills, and dedication to the membership make me an ideal candidate for the position of Communications Officer at CUPE 3903. My goal is to enhance our communication strategy and ensure that all members are informed and engaged in our activities.

Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Elect your executive officers and vote on main operating budget: Attend the Annual General Membership Meeting – March 24th (3-6pm)

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom on March 24th from 3:00pm to 6:00pm! All members are encouraged to attend.

Attention! This is an important meeting for the union and its members. We’ll be electing our executive committee members and committee members (for EHB, Ways and Means, the Professional Development Fund etc.). 

We’ll also be voting on the union’s main operating budget.

Please register in advance for this meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more.

Continue reading

Election Update: Withdrawal of Application and Acclamation of Two More Positions

The member Vincent Collins would no longer like to run for the BT and Exec. As a result, the following positions are now acclaimed:

Unit 1 Bargaining Team

  1. Martin Schoots-McAlpine
  2. Isaac Thornley
  3. Rhiannon Cobb

Vice-President, Unit 1

  1. Ali Gholami

We congratulate members who have been acclaimed to the Bargaining Team and Executive Committee and wish the very best to those who will be running for elections.