While President Rhonda Lenton and senior administrators, Lisa Phillips and others, claim to be making structural changes with respect to anti-Black racism at York University, they have attempted to fire Professor Aimé Avolonto, who teaches in the Department of French Studies, Glendon College. Professor Avolonto, who is Black and an Associate Professor, originally asked for an investigation into anti-black racism in his department. In 2017, he wrote to then-Provost, Rhonda Lenton. However, the victim of racism, has now become the target of York University’s President and senior administration. They have tried to suppress, deny, ignore and dismiss his claims without a fair or proper investigation, going so far at to attempt to fire him. Read Professor Avolonto’s allegations in his Letter from a Black colleague.

Report Back – Bargaining Meeting with the Employer, March 29

The Bargaining Team (BT) met with the Employer on Monday, March 29th. The Employer presented counters to our proposals on the Sexual Assault Survivors Support Fund (SASSF) and the Tuition Costs Fund (TCF). The Bargaining Team responded to these counters with minor edits before achieving our first sign-offs! We would like to thank members in the room for attending as observers, as per our open bargaining practice.

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Report Back – Bargaining Meeting with the Employer, March 23

The Bargaining Team (BT) met with the Employer on Tuesday February March 23th. The Employer presented an inadequate counter for Unit 3 and the BT dedicated the rest of the session to a discussion of financial items after adjourning with the Employer. We would like to thank members in the room for attending as observers, as per our open bargaining practice.

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Discount at Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre for CUPE 3903 Members

Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre located in the First Student Centre Building at York University, Keele Campus is offering CUPE 3903 members a 50-75% subsidy discount on top of their fees. Full-time fees are already reduced by 25% off until August 31, 2021.

If members enrol with Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre for full-time care, they will receive 25% off the initial price ($1,375 – Preschool, $1,440 – Toddler), with an additional 75% off CUPE 3903 Subsidy. Therefore, preschool fees would be as low as $257.81 per month.

At the end of their fiscal year, any remaining amounts left over from the centre’s CUPE 3903 funding is refunded and distributed to families based on care used.

Members could visit for up-to-date information.

TFAC Election Results

Navi Dhanota has withdrawn their nomination for TFAC Co-Chair. This means that Kelsey Ioannoni and Thania Vega have been acclaimed to the position and will serve as TFAC Co-Chairs for the 2021-2022 term. Many thanks to everyone who showed interest in this important position.

Fardosa and Megan
TFAC Election Officers