Nomination Open – Chief Steward Unit 1 – Deadline October 23rd

Due to a resignation, the position of Chief Steward Unit 1 is now open and needs to be filled. All members of Unit 1 in good standing are eligible to nominate themselves; you will need to fill out the nomination form:

If there is more than one member running, the nomination period will be followed by a two-week campaign period and a five-day election (via Simply Voting).

Nomination period (2 weeks): October 9 – October 23
Campaign period (2 weeks): October 24 – November 6
Voting period (5 days): November 7 – November 11

For more information or questions, please contact the Election Officers at:


Reminder – SunLife Benefits Enrolment

A reminder to new members and returning members who have had more than a 5-month gap between contracts that in order to access your SunLife benefits, you must first enrol in them. Information about how to enrol in your benefits can be found here:

If you have any questions about your benefits, please contact Maija Duncan ( or Michael Laurentius (”

Will York University’s Senior Administrators Do the Right Thing? Join the Movement Targeting $4 Billion In York’s Pension and Endowment Funds

This Wednesday at 4:00 pm: Fossil fuel divestment 101 webinar —

Join the movement targeting $4 billion in York’s pension and endowment funds

Climate action needs to happen right here at YorkSend a message to the ‘markets’ that they should stop funding the fossil fuel industryJoin the movement!

Invitation to the York community: students, staff and faculty:

YU Fossil Free, with the support of the York Federation of Students and the Environmental and Urban Change Students’ Association, is hosting a Divestment 101 webinar to explain what fossil fuel divestment is, why it is important, and how York University students, staff and faculty can get involved.

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Unit 2 – Academic Career Session – October 5th (4:30–6:30 pm)

An academic career session will be held with advisor Kym Bird on YUFA conversion files, teaching dossiers, LSTA applications and career development.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Attention Members With Children!

The CUPE 3903 Childcare Fund exists to help you with any costs you might incur in relation to your children. Please apply! We divide the fund evenly among all those who apply. You must apply each fall in order to be included in the fall, winter, and summer disbursements of the fund – so even if you applied last year you need to re-apply again now.

If you are eligible (you have a child under 13 or under 18 with additional needs) then please apply for the CUPE 3903 Childcare Fund! The fund is not specific to daycare – it is to help you with the various costs associated with children.We have extended the deadline until October 15, 2021. You can apply by filling out the online form found here:

If you have questions about the fund please email the Childcare Fund Committee at


Student Town Hall on COVID-19 @ YorkU – Wednesday, September 29th (7pm)

Do you have questions about returning to in-campus learning at York University? Next Wednesday, a coalition of unions has organized a virtual town hall for the York community so that you can ask questions, voice your health and safety concerns, and engage with other concerned students.

This town hall will be hosted by the York Federation of Students (YFS), York University Graduate Student Alliance (YUGSA), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Local 3903) and others.

When: Wednesday, September 29th (7pm)
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Humanities Department Passes Motion in Support of Autonomy on Mode of Course Delivery!

To date, this is the fourth successful motion passed in support of departmental autonomy over the mode of course delivery for all teaching instructors. This motion adds to the list of previous successful motions passed in the departments of Social Science, Politics, and  LA&PS Faculty Council.

Full Text of Motion:
The Department of Humanities affirms its right and obligation to determine the structure, format and mode of delivery of all courses housed in the unit so that those courses maintain their academic integrity in conformity with the requirements of the curriculum as approved by Senate and with established practices. The structure, format and delivery mode of courses shall be consistent with the pedagogic and academic judgements and principles of the faculty member employee.

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