Committee Positions Open – Deadline for Nominations March 10th (5pm)

Nominations are now open for the new annual terms of the committee positions listed below. Interested members should email Chris Little, VP Unit 1, to nominate themselves or for more information. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, March 10th at 5pm.

Any committees with more nominees than positions open will be voted on at the AGM on March 15th. Otherwise, nominees will be acclaimed to their position.

Nominees will be notified if their candidacy will be voted on at the AGM and are then welcome to send a short written candidate statement (max 150 words) for inclusion in the AGM package by no later than Friday, March 11th at 5pm. There will also be time at the AGM for nominees to briefly speak to their candidacies if they want to.

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Covid-Table Meeting – March 1st (1–2pm)

We will be holding a meeting on March 1st, from 1–2pm, to plan our strategy for the next COVID Table meeting with the employer. This will be our first COVID Table meeting since most classes returned to in-person delivery, so if you have concerns or questions that you want us to bring to the employer, this is your chance to let us know. The meeting is open to all CUPE 3903 members.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 825 8701 2685
Passcode: 001565

CUPE 3903 2022 Executive Election – Nominations Period February 15–28, 2022!

The CUPE 3903 2022 Executive Committee election nominations period will be open from Tuesday, February 15th to Monday, February 28th.

All members, especially Black, First Nations and racialized members, and members from other equity seeking groups, are strongly encouraged to run for the next executive committee in fulfillment of our equity mandate. For a list of executive positions, please see CUPE 3903 Executive Committee.*
(NB: TFAC co-chairs are elected by members of TFAC through an independent election run by TFAC election officers.)

The election timeline will be as follows:
Nominations Period: February 15–28, 2022
Campaigning Period: March 1–14, 2022
Voting Period (via SimplyVoting): March 15–19, 2022

If you are running for a position, you are required to fill out this Nomination Form. You will also need to have the support of two members in good standing. For unit-specific positions, the supports must be from the voting unit.

If you have questions about the upcoming election, please contact the Elections Officers at:

Unit 2 Town Hall on Job Stability Ideas and Priorities – March 4th (Noon-2pm)

Members of the Joint Committee on Job Stability (JSC) have called a Unit 2 Town Hall to update members as regards the process and the progress of this joint committee with the employer. The JSC invites Unit 2 members to come out to this Zoom meeting to provide us with input as regards members’ needs, experiences and priorities. We hope this callout will bring a wide variety of Unit 2 members and perspectives into the Job Stability process and program. The Joint Committee on Job Stability (3903 and Employer) was established during the last round of bargaining to come up with programs to replace the LSTA and improve upon the CSSP. Moreover, it is an important part of our mandate to ensure that any proposed job stability program will implement principles of employment equity. All Unit 2 members are strongly encouraged to attend.

Zoom link:

General Membership Meeting – February 11th (Noon–3pm)

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom on February 11th from 12:00pm to 3:00pm! All members are encouraged to attend.

Please register in advance for this meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more.

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Do You Want Your Classroom to be Assessed with a CO2 Monitor?

In our efforts to keep our members safe, CUPE 3903 has acquired a handful of CO2 monitors to assess the concentration of CO2 in classrooms at York. CO2 concentration levels can be used as an indicator of how well the ventilation in a classroom is working. In the context of this pandemic especially, ventilation is an important part of reducing risk.

If you would like your room to be assessed with one of these monitors, please sign up using this form. If you teach more than one class, fill out an additional form.

Please note that due to limited capacity, we may not be able to fulfill everyone’s requests. In the near future, we will be considering making these monitors available for people to sign out.

If you are interested in learning further about how to use these devices and how they can help indicate the quality of air changes in classrooms, we have also put together some resources for you:

  1. This is a super easy guide for teachers: CO2 Monitoring in Classrooms: Plain English Guide for Teachers.
  2. For more in-depth information check out this webinar by Dr. Kevin Hedges, Occupational Hygienist at Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) called Tools in the Toolbox: CO2 Monitoring and Risk Calculators.

Forming a New 3903-Led Health and Safety Committee/Working Group – February 16th (10–11am)

The local is looking to form a 3903-led health and safety committee or working group to complement the more formal work of the campus Joint Health and Safety Committees, whose work is governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act’s provisions. This committee or working group would be a way for members to raise, discuss and organise around health and safety concerns in our workplace. It would also be an important aspect of our longer-term response to the issues that will continue to be raised by the pandemic, and provide an additional means of advocating for health and safety in the workplace that can complement and expand beyond the work of our Joint Health and Safety Committee reps.

To discuss this, we will have an initial meeting open to all members on Wednesday, February 16th, from 10-11am. If you would like to attend, please email Chris Little, Vice-President Unit 1 for the link:


Sexual Assault Survivor Support Fund – Updates to Annual and Lifetime Maximums

In the latest round of bargaining, the bargaining team was successful in both making the fund permanent while also securing full union control over the fund!

SASSF is now a $50,000 fund annually given to our Union’s Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) in order to support survivors of sexual and/or gender-based violence. This fund is open to all members of the local, regardless of gender identity; you do not need to be a TFAC member to apply to this fund.

As a result of the bargaining team’s victory, TFAC members voted at the January 2022 TFAC meeting to increase the annual limit for applicants to $3000 and remove the lifetime limit attached to this fund.

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