Do You Want Your Classroom to be Assessed with a CO2 Monitor?

In our efforts to keep our members safe, CUPE 3903 has acquired a handful of CO2 monitors to assess the concentration of CO2 in classrooms at York. CO2 concentration levels can be used as an indicator of how well the ventilation in a classroom is working. In the context of this pandemic especially, ventilation is an important part of reducing risk.

If you would like your room to be assessed with one of these monitors, please sign up using this form. If you teach more than one class, fill out an additional form.

Please note that due to limited capacity, we may not be able to fulfill everyone’s requests. In the near future, we will be considering making these monitors available for people to sign out.

If you are interested in learning further about how to use these devices and how they can help indicate the quality of air changes in classrooms, we have also put together some resources for you:

  1. This is a super easy guide for teachers: CO2 Monitoring in Classrooms: Plain English Guide for Teachers.
  2. For more in-depth information check out this webinar by Dr. Kevin Hedges, Occupational Hygienist at Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) called Tools in the Toolbox: CO2 Monitoring and Risk Calculators.