Available Vacancies on Sub-Committees

  1. CUPE Toronto District Council (1)
  2. CSEU Committee (New in 2021) (1)
  3. Distribution Committee (3)
  4. Joint Health and Safety Committee Reps (3)
  5. Labour Management Committee, Unit 4 (3)
  6. Nursing Specific Posting Officer (1)
  7. Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee, unit 2 (1)
  8. Affordable Housing Committee (2)

The number within the bracket indicates the total number of vacant positions. Please contact the VP, Unit 1, cupe3903vpu1@gmail.com for any following queries or as an expression of interest in filling out the positions.

Announcement About the CSSP Application Re-Opening

Please note that the Continuing Sessional Standing Program (CSSP) application window has reopened. Eligible members should have received notice by November 15, 2022 and will be able to submit applications through the online portal until December 15th, 2022. Members who submitted an application during the usual application period in October do not need to re-submit their application.

Nominations Open for Contract Representatives on LA&PS Faculty Council

ATTENTION Contract Faculty Members of LAPS

LA&PS Faculty Council has announced the nomination period for the 2022-2023 year. Nominations are now open for:

  • Twenty-Two (22) vacancies for Contract Representatives on LA&PS Faculty Council

These are voting positions on LA&PS Faculty Council.  All vacancies are for a year, with all terms ending on June 30, 2023.

The nomination form and committee mandates can be found on our Faculty Council website or by following this link: https://laps.apps01.yorku.ca/machform/view.php?id=1457240

Please be sure to fill out 1 unique form per nominee.  


  • December 8, 2022: Nominations Close at Faculty Council
  • December 12, 2022: Elections Open
  • December 19, 2022: Elections Close
  • January 12, 2022: Results Announced at Faculty Council

If you have any questions, please cupe3903vpu2@gmail.com

Trans Day of Remembrance Workshops

The Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) at CUPE 3903 is presenting three workshops for Trans Day of Remembrance.
1) Overcoming Anxiety: Stress, Sleep, and the Gut! with Dr Rehan Lakhani, ND
Monday, November 21st at 5:30 pm 
In this workshop, you will learn about the relationship between chronic stress, your digestive system, and accessible treatments. 
All are welcome, but we ask that everyone registers in advance at: bit.ly/tfac-nov21
About the presenter: Dr Rehan Lakhani (he/him) is a Naturopathic Doctor, and Clinic Director of Georgian Bay Integrative Medicine located in Collingwood, ON. He is dedicated to providing evidence-based and preventative naturopathic treatments to communities. Check out his website at georgianbayintegrativemedicine.com
2) Trans ID Assistance with Dana Teagle 
Thursday, November 24th at 11:00 am 
In this workshop, you will learn how to start and navigate the process of changing your name and gender marker in Ontario. 
All are welcome, but we ask that everyone registers in advance at: bit.ly/tfac-nov24
About the presenter: Dana Teagle (she/they) is a non-binary trans woman, developer and maintainer of the Trans I.D Guide app for individuals going through the process of changing their name and/or gender marker with governmental bodies in Canada. Check out their website at trans-id.app
3) DIY Bike Tune-up with Alie Hermanutz 
Monday, November 28th at 7:00 pm 
In this workshop, you will learn a basic tune-up that will improve the rideability, life, and safety of your bike without the need for a lot of tools. 
All are welcome, but we ask that everyone registers and consults the list of suggested tools in advance at: bit.ly/tfac-nov28 
About the presenter: Alie Hermanutz (they/them) is a non-binary PhD candidate at York U, handyperson extraordinaire, and bike mechanic.

General Membership Meeting – November 22nd (1–4pm)

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom on November 22nd from 1:00pm to 4:00pm! All members are encouraged to attend.

Please register in advance for this meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more. Continue reading

Membership Directs Executive to Hold Solidarity Strike Vote if OSBCU Workers Legislated Back to Work

At the November 11th, 2022 Emergency SGMM, membership voted in favour of the following motion:

WHEREAS the Ford government introduced Bill 28, using the notwithstanding clause to pre-empt a legal strike from OSBCU workers and enforce a collective agreement on those workers, and

WHEREAS the CUPE 3903 executive moved to call for a solidarity strike action with OSBCU workers starting 14 November, with the support of CUPE National and other Ontario unions, and

WHEREAS OSBCU and CUPE have agreed to return to work starting November 7th following the Ford government’s promise to rescind Bill 28, but that bill has not yet been rescinded, leaving it possible that OSBCU may end up on strike again.

WHEREAS, in that case, OSBCU may end up being legislated back to work.

WHEREAS CUPE 3903 has been the victim of back-to-work legislation several times in the past.

WHEREAS back-to-work legislation is, like Bill 28, a violation of workers’ right to strike and a serious impediment to building working-class power in Ontario and Canada.

WHEREAS resisting back-to-work legislation would necessarily entail solidarity in order to be successful.

BIRT if OSBCU indicates a willingness to defy back-to-work legislation, the CUPE 3903 membership directs the executive committee to conduct a strike vote notwithstanding the requirement to hold two GMMs to initiate a strike vote as outlined in Article 20 of the bylaws  CUPE 3903 will engage in a solidarity strike until OSBCU returns to work.

BIFRT such a strike vote would be open to all members for 48 hours through Simply Voting.

BIFRT CUPE 3903’s solidarity strike will be conditional on the following:

  • That at least some other unions of comparable or greater size to CUPE 3903 also pass a similar motion to solidarity strike
  • That CUPE Ontario and CUPE National commit to providing strike pay for members who participate, and to cover any legal fines these members may incur.

BIFRT CUPE 3903 call on CUPE National and Ontario to treat this as a strike with all the material support and legal defence a strike entails

BIFRT CUPE 3903 encourage CUPE National, CUPE O, and OSBCU to broaden the strike demands to include the repeal of Bill 124 and the permanent removal of the government’s ability to use back-to-work legislation on striking workers.

BIFRT CUPE 3903 call on its sister locals to pass a similar motion.

Proposed Solidarity Strike Motion & Solidarity Strike Q&A

An emergency Special General Membership Meeting has been called for Friday November 11th to discuss a motion that would give the executive the power to call a strike vote in solidarity with OSBCU members if these workers are legislated back to work by the Ford government.

The proposed motion is: 

WHEREAS the Ford government introduced Bill 28, using the notwithstanding clause to pre-empt a legal strike from OSBCU workers and enforce a collective agreement on those workers, and

WHEREAS the CUPE 3903 executive moved to call for a solidarity strike action with OSBCU workers starting 14 November, with the support of CUPE National and other Ontario unions, and

WHEREAS OSBCU and CUPE have agreed to return to work starting November 7th following the Ford government’s promise to rescind Bill 28, but that bill has not yet been rescinded, leaving it possible that OSBCU may end up on strike again. 

WHEREAS, in that case, OSBCU may end up being legislated back to work. 

WHEREAS CUPE 3903 has been the victim of back-to-work legislation several times in the past. 

WHEREAS back-to-work legislation is, like Bill 28, a violation of workers’ right to strike and a serious impediment to building working-class power in Ontario and Canada.

WHEREAS resisting back-to-work legislation would necessarily entail solidarity in order to be successful. 

BIRT if OSBCU defies back-to-work legislation, CUPE 3903 will engage in a solidarity strike until OSBCU returns to work. 

BIFRT CUPE 3903’s solidarity strike will be conditional on the following: 

  • That at least some other unions of comparable or greater size to CUPE 3903 also pass a similar motion to solidarity strike
  • That CUPE Ontario and CUPE National commit to providing strike pay for members who participate, and to cover any legal fines these members may incur. 

BIFRT CUPE 3903 call on CUPE National and Ontario to treat this as a strike with all the material support and legal defence a strike entails

BIFRT CUPE 3903 encourage CUPE National, CUPE O, and OSBCU to broaden the strike demands to include the repeal of Bill 124 and the permanent removal of the government’s ability to use back-to-work legislation on striking workers. 

BIFRT CUPE 3903 call on its sister locals to pass a similar motion. 


Solidarity Strike Q&A

You may have some questions about the implications of this motion being passed and what it means to engage in a solidarity strike, which is currently illegal in Ontario according to the Canada Labour Code and the Ontario Labour Relations Act.


Q:How will the vote happen?

The strike vote will happen using Simply Voting, which is an online elections system. The vote will happen over the span of three days to ensure that all members can participate in the vote.

Q: What will strike duties look like? Will there be an 8th line?

Strike duties will involve picketing at designated locations, including Queen’s Park. We will not be picketing at York University since this strike has not been called to apply pressure to York University as the result of a breakdown during our contract negotiations. Rather, this solidarity strike is intended to apply political pressure to the Ford government to bargain in good faith with OSBCU workers and to secure other interests of the wider working class, including 10 paid sick days.

For those members who cannot participate in regular picket duties, there will be alternative duties available (otherwise known as the 8th line). 

Q: Will I receive picket pay?

Yes, members who withdraw from their labour at York University and participate in a picket at a designated location will receive picket pay. Receiving picket pay is conditional on the member withdrawing their labour from York University.

Q: What are the consequences both from the law and from York to striking?

The potential consequences for engaging in a solidarity strike could include fines. As of November 9th, CUPE National has backed away from officially supporting a solidarity strike across locals. This means that additional mobilization work will be needed to force National into a position where leadership will financially support strikers and pay for fines so no individual member would bear any financial costs for participating in a solidarity strike.

There is also the possibility of York attempting to discipline members for participating in a solidarity strike with OSBCU workers. We cannot guarantee that members will not be disciplined by the employer, but it is important to remember that it will be difficult for York to target an individual if we commit to acting together as a union. CUPE 3903 will also provide legal support if members are disciplined by York for participating in solidarity strike action.

Q: What if someone wants to support but can’t take the risks? Will they be trialed, or can alternate duties be arranged? 

If membership votes in favour of a solidarity strike, all members are strongly encouraged to fully participate in the strike. CUPE 3903 will not discipline members who who refrain from withdrawing their labour at York University, and other forms of strike participation (e.g., participating in rallies and picketing) will also be welcomed. Note that you are only eligible for picket pay if you do withdraw your labour from York.


Transitional Continuing Appointment (TCA) Extended Deadline

The deadline for the Transitional Continuing Appointment (TCA) application has been extended to November 15th. However, the employer closed the online TCA application on November 1st.

You can still apply to the TCA. You must use this PDF form and submit it to your hiring unit: Blanket Application for TCA Applications.

Please note that the form directs you to call the union office if you have any questions. As the union office is currently not operational, please not not call. Rather, you should email cupe3903staffrep@gmail.com.

Solidarity Strike Planning Meeting: November 8th (1-4pm)

CUPE 3903 Executive Committee Recommends Solidarity Strike Action

Last week, Doug Ford’s government attempted to suppress a legal strike initiated by 55,000 Ontario School Board workers (OSBCU) by invoking the notwithstanding clause, denying workers’ right to strike as outlined by Charter, to impose an unfair contract on these educational workers.

The Ontario government’s anti-democratic actions strike at the very heart of the labour movement and we need to respond en masse and with militancy to protect every worker’s right to strike. This is why the Executive Committee is recommending that the membership engage in a solidarity strike with OSBCU workers beginning November 14th until Bill 28 is repealed.

Members should plan to attend two emergency Special General Membership Meetings this week to participate in planning our solidarity action.

The first meeting is on Zoom on November 8th from 1pm to 4:00pm. All members are encouraged to attend.

Register for the meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more. Continue reading

Solidarity Strike Vote Meeting: November 11th (12-3pm)

CUPE 3903 Executive Committee Recommends Solidarity Strike Action

Last week, Doug Ford’s government attempted to suppress a legal strike initiated by 55,000 Ontario School Board workers (OSBCU) by invoking the notwithstanding clause, denying workers’ right to strike as outlined by Charter, to impose an unfair contract on these educational workers.

The Ontario government’s anti-democratic actions strike at the very heart of the labour movement and we need to respond en masse and with militancy to protect every worker’s right to strike. This is why the Executive Committee is recommending that the membership engage in a solidarity strike with OSBCU workers beginning November 14th until Bill 28 is repealed.

Members should plan to attend two emergency Special General Membership Meetings this week to participate in planning our solidarity action.

The second meeting is on November 11th from 12pm to 3:00pm on zoom. All members are encouraged to attend.

Register for the meeting here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more. Continue reading