Unit 2 members: Check Your Paycheque!

Attention Unit 2s: Your June 25th paycheque is supposed to include a lump sum payment that covers the retroactive wage increases you are owed for the Bill 124 years (2020-2023). You are also supposed to receive the final portion of your remediation pay, now that you’ve submitted remediation form(s) confirming that you completed your contracts from the past Winter and Fall/Winter.

  • To track the money you are owed, please download and use the following spreadsheet:

Paycheque Help Sessions

If you would like one-on-one assistance, drop in at one of the following member-led help sessions over Zoom. Individual sessions will take around 10 minutes, and they will be run in a way that will allow you to keep the details of your paycheque private.

Do you need to file a grievance for missing pay?

If after checking your paycheque you have a negative discrepancy (a red number in brackets), then the union will need to file a grievance on your behalf to make sure you get all the pay you are owed. Stay tuned: a Jotform will be released soon where you can provide the relevant information in order to file a grievance on this matter.

For any questions: contact Lead Steward Unit 2, Neil Braganza, at cupe3903chiefstewardunit2@gmail.com