A step in the right direction! Keep the pressure on with a Strong YES SMV!

On November 24th, we received an updated version of the Employer’s Frameworks for Settlement that included several new non-monetary proposals. Due to the solidarity and mobilization efforts of the membership, along with the hard work of the Bargaining Team, the Employer has listened to our clear objections and removed the concessionary changes they had originally proposed to Article 8 that would have made it easier to initiate disciplinary procedures against our members! Despite this step in the right direction, the employer is still refusing to engage with the union’s proposal which would make the employer disclose what members are accused of ahead of discipline meetings. This, undoubtedly, remains major concern for members.

Furthermore, the latest Frameworks for Settlement are still far from acceptable. The employer remains silent or unmoving on our proposals to improve the process for harassment and discrimination grievances; in fact the employer still wants to amend the language to make filing grievances more difficult and force members to go through York’s internal processes! As we had said before, we not only need to continue to push back against any attacks on existing protections but we need to keep fighting to make those protections better!

With the Employers on-going lack of meaningful engagement with the vast majority of our proposals, including monetary proposals, there is a clear indication that the Employer is looking to see what the results of our Strike Mandate Vote will be before they get serious about bargaining.

Vote YES during the Strike Mandate Vote to show the Employer that we are serious!

We will be opening our strike mandate vote on December 11th at the Special General Membership Meeting, and it will remain open until December 18th. The vote will take place online, through SimplyVoting.