Organizing for Power – Upcoming Organizer Training Sessions.

We have an ongoing “Organizing for Power” union/community/student organizer training series led by Jane McAlevey.  Our first session (hosted by CUPE 3903 and CUPE 3902) was a huge success with about 50 people from 7 different unions and community groups attending our group session (this was a small portion of the over 2000 groups who participated across 40 countries).
Our second session, of four, continues on November 12th. We’ll be at Victoria College at the University of Toronto in room 212 from 7-8pm for a discussion on the materials and then from 8-9:30pm for the workshop itself. 

Victoria College is less than 5 minutes away from Museum Subway Station on the north-east part of campus. Here’s a visual. The building itself has a ramp entrance on the west side. Following up with more specific details re: space and access shortly, but happy to take any specific questions back to the college in the meantime!
We’ll also be able to provide light dinner (pizza!) for people – so please be in touch by Wednesday evening with any dietary restrictions!
Important Things:
  1. Facebook event for all four sessions is live here! Please circulate through your networks and, if there’s interest, have them connect ASAP.
  2. Here are the readings for the sessions. We can dump notes, readings and any other materials in this google drive folder to keep ourselves organized through the sessions.