Sign up for strike training!

An image of a shadow of a picket line

An image of a shadow of a picket line, including people holding picket signs and a person using a megaphone

Following our successful strike mandate vote, CUPE 3903 is now preparing for a possible strike. Part of our preparations include organizing strike training meetings for as many members as possible.

The first two strike training meetings will take place on Wednesday, February 11 and Thursday, February 12, which will be the first in a series of strike training meetings. More meetings will be scheduled the following week. As soon as the dates, times and locations are confirmed, they will be posted online and emailed to the members.

Members are strongly encouraged to attend at least one strike training meeting. Each meeting will cover the basics of conducting a strike, including strategy and tactics, logistics, mapping the workplace, picket duty, alternative picket duty, and other ways that members can support and participate in the strike.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP by email to

Food and light refreshments will be provided.