A town hall discussion organized by CUPE 3903
Monday, November 3
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
203 Founders College
Keele campus
Speakers TBA
CUPE 3903 invites all members to join and support this important discussion about racism at York University. The town hall has two objectives:
1) To create a space for racialized members to share and discuss their experiences, with an emphasis on the institutional and systemic forms of racism at York; and
2) To strategize with members about the ways CUPE 3903 and its allies can challenge all forms of racism at York, including the possibility of launching a campus-wide task force on anti-racism.
This discussion will also address the intersections between racism and other forms of oppression, such as sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism.
All members are welcome to participate.
Moderated by:
- Mohamed Banda: Vice-president Unit 2
- Ayesha Jabbar: Vice-president Unit 3
Organized by:
- CUPE 3903 Anti-Racism Working Group