Open Letter Regarding the Use of Strikebreakers at York University

April 18, 2024

Open Letter Regarding the Use of Strikebreakers at York University

We join our voices to firmly and unequivocally condemn the repeated invitations extended by York University to strikebreakers – aka “scabs”– during the 2024 CUPE 3903 strike (ongoing at the time of writing).

The use of strikebreakers is widely recognized as a way for the Employers to further shift the balance of power to their advantage, yet it prolongs labour disputes and negatively impacts the efforts for fair and just collective bargaining. In doing so, the University delivers a blow to all workers in Ontario, by undermining acceptable and adequate working conditions.

We remind the University the main mandate of the newly created Office of the Equity, People and Culture (EP&C) is to “to build a stronger, more equitable and healthier workplace environment at York University”. For this new division not to be just a façade, the University needs to abide by the principles it promotes.

Sonny Day President, York University Staff Association
Arthur Hilliker President, York University Faculty Association
Mackenzie Edwards Chairperson, CUPE 3903
Frank D’Agostino President, CUPE 1356
OHFA Executive, Osgoode Hall Faculty Association

Click here to read PDF version

Bargaining Team’s Summary of Tentative Agreement Signed April 14th 2024


CUPE 3903 Units 1, 2, and 3

On Sunday, April 14, after six consecutive (and long!) days of bargaining, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team for Units 1, 2, and 3 reached a tentative agreement with the Employer. This deal will now go to the membership for ratification on Friday, April 19. (See the end of this summary for details.)

All three units of the Bargaining Team voted to recommend that members ratify this deal. The information below is designed to give members a summary of what is in each offer to inform your vote. 

You can also look through the complete tentative agreement documents here:

A summary chart of all the agreed-upon changes in the Memoranda of Settlement is also available: Changes to the Collective Agreements, 2023–26

You can also check out these wage calculator documents, prepared by a rank-and-file member, to get a sense of how compensation will be improved with the next collective agreement (and the gains we made over the course of the strike). 

Each unit will vote to ratify separately, although many of the gains are common to all three. 


Wage Increases

For the 2020-2023 period, negotiated retroactively due to the unconstitutional wage freeze imposed by Bill 124, we have achieved the following increases in addition to the 1% already received:

  • 2020-21: 1%
  • 2021-22: 2%
  • 2022-23: 3%

As we negotiated, this retroactive pay will apply to current and former employees who have left York University. Everyone who worked from 2020 to 2023 will be eligible for a retroactive lump sum payment.  The Employer will contact ex-employees by mail and email at the addresses it has on file so they can confirm their banking information. Former employees will have 90 days to do so, and midway through the process, the Employer will provide the Union with a list of those who have not yet responded.

For the period of the renewal collective agreement, we have negotiated the following increases:

  • 2023-24: 3.10%
  • 2024-25: 2.85%
  • 2025-26: 2.85%

In total, then, we’ve negotiated increases of 14.8% (or 17.8% including the previous increases of the Bill 124 period). The cumulative, compounded increase over the six years is 15.7% (or 19.2%, inclusive).

Compensation for Graduate Students

For Units 1 and 3 members, Grant-in-Aid (GIA) will get the same retroactive and future increases as wages. 

Also for Units 1 and 3 members, we have negotiated an 18% increase for Graduate Financial Assistance (GFA), which is greater than the wage increase, and is effective September 1, 2024. This larger increase recognizes the specific financial pressures on graduate students. In light of the disproportionate burden of international tuition fees, we also made a case for even greater increases for international students but were unfortunately unsuccessful. 

Let us be clear: these wage and funding increases are neither what we aimed for nor what we deserve. Between the unconstitutional Bill 124 and record-high inflation, the cost of living has increased well past any level that could be meaningfully addressed by such small increases. Nonetheless, we recommend this deal because we believe it is the best we could achieve under the circumstances. Our wage increases are the best in the sector, which unfortunately would limit what we could achieve in arbitration. 

Other All-Unit Gains

Many of the all-units proposals we achieved this round are wins for equity! Highlights include:

  • A NEW $25,000/year fund to support racialized members experiencing racial discrimination, harassment, and violence; this is a proposal we have fought for unsuccessfully in previous rounds of bargaining!
  • A NEW Mentoring Fund of $10,000/year to provide mentoring, professional development, and other supports among the units, especially for employment equity groups
  • Three additional weeks (for a Fall-Winter contract, from 12 to 15) of paid parental leaves for non-pregnant parents and adoptive parents, as well as increased unpaid parental leave
  • An increase of $10,000 to the operating costs of each of the two on-campus childcare centres (from $50,000 to $60,000) and a 3% per year increase in the Childcare Fund for members
  • A commitment from the employer to have regular discussions with the union about the workplace accommodations process and policies

Other gains include 1% increases to the following funds: Professional Development Fund, Equity Fund, Extended Health Benefits Fund, and Ways & Means Fund. We also increased the employer contribution to executive service (which pays the honoraria for the executive committee) for the first time in over a decade, and reduced the number of steps in the grievance process from four steps to two, so that members can have their grievances heard and processed more quickly. 

We regret to report that—aside from a modest increase to the healthcare spending accounts of post-retirees—we did not win improvements to the benefits plan. The employer held firm to its position that our benefits are best of any similar union in the province; it was unmoved by the reality that the cost of medical care has increased along with the cost of living and that, as a result, existing benefits have progressively gotten members less and less care. Even our proposal to add coverage for essentials like hearing aids was denied. We pushed hard until the very end but received only dismissive comments from the employer. 

Unit 1

Unit 1 focused most of its bargaining power on increasing remuneration (see the Compensation section above) but also achieved the following:

  • Clarifying language defining the duties of marker grader positions (Tutor 3) to help mitigate abuses
  • Minor improvements to the workload language to clarify that course directors must clearly establish grading timelines
  • Minor improvements to the UHIP Fund and Graduate Student Bursary Fund

Unit 2

Job Stability

With the support of the other striking units, Unit 2 successfully fought back against the Employer’s attempt to impose on us their version of the JSP (Job Stability Program). However, defeating this program did mean some losses in existing job stability programs. Ultimately, this is what we were able to achieve:

  • 18 total Long Service Teaching Appointments (LSTAs), spread between 2024-25 and 2025-26 (down from 21 in the 2020–23 CA) 
  • 6 total conversion appointments in 2024-25 and 2025-26. 
  • Return of the Time-Limited Severance Program (TLSP) for long-serving members looking to retire, with applications open between May 1 and October 31, 2024 

We regret that we were unable to get any uptake from the employer on the Special Renewal Contracts (SRCs). And in order to secure renewal of the TLSP, a successful program under our previous CA, we dropped our attempt to renew the underused Transitional Continuing Appointment (TCA) program.

Regarding restructuring, we were unable to get the employer to value long-serving members impacted by the administration’s decisions on enrollment and program change. We did accept the offer of severance payments for PKIN instructors looking to exit York, but eligibility for these payments is limited and the amounts are insufficient. Nor does a one-time severance payment address the fact that the goal should be to help members who have worked at this university for decades to find their place amid restructuring, not show them the door. 

Other Provisions

Here are the other gains in the Unit 2 collective agreement:

  • New workload protections for Type 2 work (e.g. tutorial leader, lab demonstrator, etc.) that limit the hours of work to 135 per appointment. This brings Unit 2 to parity with Unit 1 members doing similar work. 
  • Modest increase of $200 to post-retirement health spending accounts, bringing the yearly amount up to $2200. 
  • A commitment from the employer to look into the feasibility of extending email access for retirees
  • Increased incumbency period for members who are requested to design a course
  • A new process to award experience credits (seniority points) to members involved in certain forms of service to the university community

Unit 3

Getting the employer to engage in Unit 3 issues is always exceedingly difficult. This is not surprising, given York’s history of trying to destroy protected, unionized work for graduate students doing research or clerical work at York University. In this round, the employer refused to acknowledge they had been lying about the cost of hiring a Graduate Assistant since 2016 and had misappropriated hundreds of thousands of dollars meant to be used for that purpose. We will continue to pursue these issues through arbitration. The Employer remained implacably opposed to our main goal, which was to increase the number of GA positions.

Consequently, Unit 3’s gains are minor:

  • Renewal of the Graduate Assistant Training Fund (GATF): 40 allocations per year at $4000 per allocation (up from $2000)
  • Unit 3 members will now receive a written offer of appointment that includes details of their contract, rather than, as previously, just an email with no contract!
  • Minor improvements to the posting language to clarify the financial value of Unit 3 contracts

Back-to-Work Protocol

In the last few days of bargaining, we negotiated a back-to-work protocol for all members who return to work on the first day after ratification; the protocol ensures everyone will receive a minimum of 90 percent and up to 100 percent of their remaining remuneration for the Winter 2024 term:

  • 90% of remaining salary and GIA, to be paid as soon as practicable
  • Payment of the remaining 10 percent is dependent on submitting a remediation plan (Unit 2), the number of students remaining in courses (Units 1 and 2), and the amount of work completed (all units)
  • The protocol also requires that the assignment of work aligns with a member’s approved Accommodated Work Plan  

Ratification Vote

For more information about and to register for the online Special General Membership Meeting at which the Bargaining Team will explain the new Collective Agreements, please refer to the following The Meeting will take place on Friday, April 19, 12:00–2:00 p.m. As per our Union’s bylaws, voting will begin during the meeting (by 1:00 p.m.) and will continue for two hours after the meeting. 

IMPORTANT NOTE!! To receive your e-ballot from Simply Voting for the ratification vote, you MUST REGISTER FOR THE SGMM. You don’t have to attend the SGMM to vote, but the registration list for the meeting will be used as the voters’ list and will be sent to Simply Voting once the meeting starts. New registrations will be accepted up to the close of the poll at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, but please register well ahead of the meeting because any registrations after the meeting starts will need to be transferred individually to Simply Voting, which will delay your receiving your ballot. 

SGMM: Ratification Vote April 19th

On Sunday, April 14th, the Bargaining Team for CUPE 3903 units 1, 2, and 3 voted to endorse tentative renewal collective agreements to send for ratification by the membership. Endorsement reflects that the Bargaining Team believes that these are the best deals that we will achieve. Although the Bargaining Team recognizes that not everything we wanted in this round of bargaining was achieved, we have obtained some notable gains that make this deal worth endorsing. The Special General Membership Meeting for Ratification will be April 19th from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.

In order to best facilitate the vote, the SGMM will be held online only. All members must register here in advance to receive your ballot. 

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number (not your student number), which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the meeting.

During the meeting, the Bargaining Team will present the Employer’s latest offer and explain their recommendation of it.

The presentation will last for up to one hour, followed by another hour of discussion (1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.). Ballots will open at the beginning of the meeting, and be available for two hours after the meeting ends – closing at 4:00 p.m.

Each unit’s members will vote separately on each of their own offers.

All three units of the Bargaining Team voted to recommend that members ratify this deal. The information linked here is to give members a summary of what is in each offer to inform your vote.

Click here to read the Bargaining Team’s summary of the tentative agreements.

You can also look through the complete tentative agreement documents here:

If members vote by a simple majority (by unit) to ratify the Terms of Settlement (the Employer’s offer), the strike will end and members will return to work Monday, April 22nd. If members vote by a simple majority (by unit) to reject the Terms of Settlement, the strike will continue.

Members should note that the strike is still underway until members decide otherwise.

Please click here to register before the vote opens on the 19th to ensure that you have enough time to receive your ballot and to vote.


12:00 p.m. Presentation by the Bargaining Team of the Employer’s latest offer

1:00 p.m. Discussion and questions for the Bargaining Team / voting opens

2:00 p.m.  Meeting ends/ Zoom room remains open / voting continues

4:00 p.m.  Period to receive ballot closes

4:30 p.m Counting Begins

The results of the vote will be announced as soon as all the ballots are counted.

Members are not obliged to attend the entire meeting in order to vote on the Employer’s latest offer, but members MUST register for the SGMM in order to receive a ballot. Register well in advance of the meeting to ensure an easy voting process. We strongly encourage members to attend and listen to the bargaining report before voting, if possible. Members may receive their ballot anytime between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

E-voting Period, Procedure and Eligibility

Voting Period: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Procedure: YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THE SGMM IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A BALLOT. You can register here. It is crucial that you register as far in advance as possible. On April 19th, during the SGMM (after the bargaining team report), members will receive an email from SimplyVoting with their ballot. The ballot will go to the email that you registered for the meeting with.

Email Melvin Chan at if you registered for the meeting but did not receive your ballot after the vote has opened. Please check all your email accounts and spam folders before writing to us. You will have until Friday, April 19th (4:00pm EDT) to vote.

Eligibility: All members with active contracts are eligible to vote. Political members are also eligible. A political member is someone who has had a valid contract within the past 12 months.

There will be CART closed captioning of this meeting. For other accessibility needs, please contact the Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Bargaining Team Report April 14th: Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement!

Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement!

After a long, intense weekend of bargaining in which both sides exchanged multiple passes, the Employer delivered what it characterized as its final offer to the Union on Sunday afternoon. At 9:00 p.m. Sunday, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team agreed to sign a Memorandum of Settlement with the Employer and to send the deal to the membership for ratification.

In our last pass to the Employer, delivered at 1:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, we had continued to push for improvements for all three units. In response, the Employer’s final offer contained some meaningful improvements, including an additional 0.25% in the second year of the retroactive wage period, an increase to Graduate Financial Assistance (GFA) for Units 1 and 3, an additional six LSTAs (Long Service Teaching Appointments) for Unit 2, and, for all units, a guarantee of at least 90 percent remediation pay for completing Winter 2024 contracts. (The final 10 percent will be subject to a remediation process based on the work remaining to be completed and, for Units 1 and 2, the number of students remaining in tutorials and courses.)

Over the weekend agreement was also achieved on a number of crucial funds: the Mentorship Fund, the Child Care Centre Fund (finally bringing amounts for both Lee Wiggins and the Co-op up to a workable number), the UHIP fund, and the support fund for Racialized Members Experiencing Violence, Harassment, and Discrimination. These gains in funds will make a tangible positive impact on members across a broad spectrum of needs.

After months of work and motivating by the Union, the Employer finally accepted our proposal to create a Mentorship Fund. The Employer also introduced a new proposal, a Letter of Agreement on a Severance program for PKIN instructors.

Although we didn’t achieve everything we wanted to in this round of bargaining, we have obtained some notable gains that make this deal—the best we could get under the circumstances—worth endorsing. Our final wage gains over the six years of the Bill 124 period (2020–23) and the renewal collective agreement (2023–26) are well below both what we were seeking and what our members deserve. But at 14.8% (or 17.8%, inclusive of the 1% per year already earned during the Bill 124 period), they are sector leading in many ways and that itself is an achievement.

The CUPE 3903 Executive Committee is currently working out the logistics of the ratification vote, which will be held at this week’s Strike General Membership Meeting. (Date and time to be confirmed.) As per the Union’s Bylaws, voting will take place during the SGMM, at which the Bargaining Team will explain the tentative agreements, and for two hours afterward. Our strike will continue until the membership votes to ratify. Thank you to all the members who have held the lines for the past seven weeks and who joined us in bargaining this weekend, including for our marathon 16-hour Zoom meeting on Saturday. And thank you to our incredible and devoted staff for their support and advice throughout this process, particularly during our final push this weekend. The Bargaining Team looks forward to discussing the tentative agreements with members this week and to our eventual return to work. 

Bargaining Team Report April 13, 2024

Bargaining Team report April 13, 2024

The employer indicated that they would join us at 11:15 AM.  Before they joined us, we made a plan for the process of the day and collected questions for our staff about what kinds of protections members would need to see in back-to-work protocols.

The Employers joined us as planned to share their latest pass. It contained little movement or improvement on wages (0.1% in the first year of the renewal agreement), but it did contain some agreement on a number of crucial funds: the Mentorship Fund, the Child Care Centre Fund (finally bringing amounts for both Lee Wiggins and the Co-op up to a workable number), the UHIP fund, and the Support for Racialized Members Fund. These gains in funds will make a tangible positive impact on members across a broad spectrum of needs.

After months of work and motivating by the Union, the Employer finally accepted our proposal to create a Mentorship Fund. The Employer also introduced a new proposal, a Letter of Agreement on a Severance program for PKIN instructors. We spent the afternoon going over the Employer’s pass and then creating a new pass, which was presented in the late afternoon.

We responded with a pass at 4:45 PM, which involved the difficult decision to withdraw some significant proposals where we saw no response over multiple passes and motivations. We withdrew our remaining benefits proposals and the U1 fellowship proposals in order to get to a fair deal that would best meet the needs of our members.

We did keep firm on the GFA, raising it slightly to balance the drop of other proposals. We also provided multiple counters for the Employer, including coming down on wages by 0.5% (0.1% in the first retroactive year, and 0.4% in the first renewal year); moving on our ask for Ways and Means; proposing $2500 per year for Post-Retirement Benefits; and offering two options of possible LSTA proposals.

In response to our 4:45 PM pass, the Employer promised a further pass at 8:45 PM. We spent the early evening conceptualizing our Return to Work Protocol.

The Employer joined us at 8:45 PM, and they showed us their latest pass, which included an ATB increase of 0.25% in the third retroactive year. With movement, finally, on executive service, as well as agreement to the Time-Limited Severance Program, we are starting to see the possibility of a pass that we would consider bringing to our members. Much depends on what can be agreed to in the Return to Work Protocols, where we need to see a simple process for members to be fully compensated. The individualized approach to compensation that was part of the 2018 protocols was an administrative headache, only seeing completion recently, so the BT aims to push back against this.

With a view to emphasizing the remaining proposals that would most benefit our members, the BT spent the next few hours making our next pass, which we sent to the employer around 1:30 AM on April 14th.  After taking time to consider where movement had stalled despite the BT’s best efforts throughout, we made the tough choice to further refine our package and dropped several proposals. Having repeatedly motivated and explained our proposal for workplace accommodations for racialized members experiencing racial discrimination, harassment, and violence, and having first moved to make it a pilot project, and then a Letter of Agreement, with no uptake from the Employer, we determined it was time to consider a different strategy to ensure that proper accommodations programs are developed for racialized members of CUPE 3903.

Also, after multiple concerted efforts to preserve the technological protection proposal, it was cut to hone the package in on the most critical member concerns.  Nevertheless, we still think our pass would be one that our membership would be proud of accepting and contains significant, meaningful gains. Now, what remains is to see if the employer will follow through on their purported priorities.

Bargaining on April 14th is scheduled for 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. All members are welcome. You can register for the meeting in advance with your employee number by using the following link:

Bargaining Team report April 11, 2024

Bargaining Team report April 11, 2024

Unlike previous bargaining sessions this week, the Bargaining Team asked the Employer to meet with us at the start of the day, in order to present the comprehensive packages we had sent them at the end of the day on April 10.

In our presentation, we highlighted several areas of significant change to all-units and unit-specific proposals.

  1. On across-the-board (ATB) wages, we came down by 1% (distributed 0.25% in the third year of the retroactive period, and 0.25% across each of the three renewal years). We also countered with a modified version of the eligibility language in the Employer’s April 10 pass, to give members more clarity and predictability about their retroactive lump sum payment. Finally, we countered  to include both GIA and GFA in ATB increases.

  2. We agreed to the Employer’s Letter of Agreement on workplace accommodations for all three units. This achieves an important gain proposed by the Union to begin to have proper input into setting policy on workplace accommodations.

  3. We offered a counter on the Union-administered Childcare Fund for all three units and the amounts allocated to the Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre and the York Co-operative Daycare Centre. The Employer’s April 10 package had the first meaningful offer for the Childcare Centres, but it is still below what they need.

  4. We revised our proposal concerning the extension of library and email services to include the formation of a committee to investigate the feasibility of extending these services for retirees and members after their contracts end.

  5. In the Unit 2 framework, we offered a revised proposal for the Letter of Understanding (PKINs), which seeks to ensure grand-parenting for PKIN instructors who currently are in effect being deemed not qualified to teach in the IPAL program, despite many years of movement-based teaching and knowledge. This proposal is not only important for the members most immediately affected, it also represents a way to push back against the erosion of seniority.

  6. For Unit 3, we countered on Article 10.10 concerning the funding commitment for priority pool members and on the Letter of Agreement (re: the Graduate Assistant Training Fund).

After the presentation, the BT and membership conferred about various details relating to process and planning for the next few days, before the Employer returned  at 2 p.m. with counter proposals.

The employer’s April 11 offer continues to lowball on wages (moving up by only 0.2%), on funding for the Child Care centres (moving up by only $800 each), and they are still denying our position that GFA has historically been part of ATB wages. Notably, the Employer has proposed $4000 per allocation for the Graduate Assistant Training (GAT) Fund while denying the Union’s proposal to allocate any remaining monies in the GAT Fund to be transferred back to the Graduate Assistant Bursary Fund prior to the expiration of the 2023-26 collective agreement. On library and email access, they have agreed to do their own inquiries and report back to the Labour-Management Committee. One significant new movement is that the Employer has finally agreed to our fund for racialized members who have experienced racial discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace–though they are only offering $25,000, which is half what we proposed, and coupling those funds with a reporting requirement. They remain resistant to the accompanying accommodations piece, and to the PKIN proposal.

Another notable feature of the Employer’s April 11 package is that they have made it conditional by asking  the Union Bargaining Team to sign off on the offer by 11:59 pm on April 13, and ratification by April 19. They have also indicated that by April 12 at noon, they would be providing us with their proposal on back to work protocols. We have indicated that we will be bringing the Employer our next pass sometime on Friday, and both parties have agreed to continue bargaining on Saturday.  While we still remain far apart on a number of areas of great importance to our members, perhaps most notably benefits as well as Unit 2 job stability, but the Employer has certainly signaled their wish to reach agreement this weekend.

For the final portion of our meeting today, we worked on preparing for the SGMM.

Bargaining on April 12 is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 5p.m. All members are welcome. You can register for the meeting in advance using the following link:

Bargaining Team report April 10, 2024

Bargaining Team report April 10, 2024

We started the second day of bargaining this week by notifying members of the Employer’s email response that acknowledged their receipt of our pass from April 9. The Employer  promised they would be bringing new comprehensive packages for all three Units to the Mediators at 1:30 p.m., and that they would meet with the Union at 1:40 p.m.

We used the time before the meeting with the Employer to discuss our plan for the day and to begin work on our next pass.

At 1:40 p.m., the Employer joined the meeting and walked us through their latest pass, wherein they increased their wage offer by 0.25% (in the last year of the renewal agreement), responded to Unit 3’s proposals—and continued to not engage with the Union’s proposals on accommodations and supports to address racial discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace.

By email, the Employer indicated that they did not agree to our proposal on a commitment to funding for priority pool members in Unit 3. However, they did provide a response on a Letter of Agreement (LoA) concerning the Graduate Assistant Training (GAT) Fund. We have agreed to some of the language proposed in the LoA, though we have offered a few counters, namely to open the program to all faculty members and to roll over unused funds into the subsequent collective agreement years. In our most recent pass, we continue to highlight that the Graduate Financial Assistance (GFA) should be pegged to across-the-board wages for Units 1 and 3 members. We have also offered a counter on the extension of library and email use by suggesting the formation of a committee to investigate the feasibility of the service. 

The Employer confirmed that we will be meeting with them tomorrow to review our April 10th pass, which went out just after 9:00 p.m.

Bargaining on April 11 is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All members are welcome. You can register for the meeting in advance using the following link:

And, a reminder that we have a SGMM from 4 to 7 p.m., please register here: 

Back at the Table! Bargaining Team Report April 9, 2024

Bargaining Team Report April 9, 2024

Prioritizing Unit 3 positions, equity support and accommodations, and protections from technology changes

The morning began with an email from the Employer responding to our questions about the process for bargaining this week. The Employer’s position was that they would await a pass from us before joining us at the table. Since they provided us with an April 8 comprehensive package, and with a plan for a next set of priority items, the Bargaining Team spent the morning preparing documents to present at 2:30p.m.

In this pass, we are concentrating on restoring Unit 3 positions, new and complimentary supports and accommodations for racialized members experiencing racial discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace, and bringing consistency to language on protections from technology changes for all units. In addition to making some modifications within each of those three proposal areas, we also lowered across-the-board (ATB) wages by 2%.

We then met the Employer at 2:30 pm, we presented our pass on the Unit 3 collective agreement and highlighted priority proposals for the Employer to engage with. 

Dan Bradshaw, VP Internal Labour Relations and main representative for the Employer, asked CUPE 3903 to submit our proposals for the other two units. The BT then spent the rest of the afternoon finalizing comprehensive packages for all three units. As of 8:45pm, we have sent the Employer an updated version of our comprehensive packages for Units 1, 2, and 3, including a counter on the Long-Service Teaching Appointments (LSTAs) for Unit 2 and questions about their proposed Letter of Agreement on workplace accommodations. We will resume bargaining tomorrow at 10am, when we await the Employer’s responses to our full packages for all three units. 

Bargaining on April 10 is scheduled for 10a.m. to 5p.m. All members are welcome. You can register for the meeting in advance using the following link: 

Bargaining Team Report, April 3–6

Bargaining to Resume This Week!

Bargaining Team Report, April 3–6

The Bargaining Team spent this past week working on a new comprehensive framework for settlement for each unit. On Thursday, the Bargaining Team sent our latest counterproposals, including the new wage offer we adopted the day before, to the Employer and provincially appointed mediators. 

Late Friday, the Employer agreed to our proposal to return to the bargaining table on Tuesday and indicated that on Monday afternoon they will provide (through the mediators) a response to our latest proposals. We have yet to hear from the mediators but assume they will support the will of both parties to return to the table.

See our summary and comparison chart for an overview of our remaining proposals and changes made since bargaining broke off on March 25.

The full text of our April 4 frameworks can be found at the links below:

CUPE 3903 practices open bargaining, and members are welcome at all meetings. The Bargaining Team will be meeting on Monday, April 8, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Bargaining meetings with the Employer on Tuesday and Wednesday (and possibly Thursday) from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. have yet to be confirmed. Advance registration is required for bargaining meetings with the Employer. Registration links will be posted to the CUPE 3903 Calendar

Bargaining Team Report Back March 29th

Bargaining Team Report Back March 29th

Bargaining stalled; Union working to re-start negotiations

During bargaining sessions with the Mediators on March 24 and 25, the Union and Employer reached significant agreement on all proposals in Schedule 1. We also reached agreement on most of the proposals in Schedule 2 with the Unit 3 items moved to Schedule 3 at the Employer’s request. At the end of the bargaining session on March 25, the Union presented counter proposals and questions for the Employer to respond to in the form of a revised proposal of Schedules 3 and 4. However, we did not make further movement on wages given a lack of substantial movement on wages from the Employer. The Mediators responded by informing the Bargaining Team that they would not be inviting the parties back to the bargaining table until further notice. 

Next Steps

Following the bargaining report at the March 27 Special General Membership Meeting, the membership affirmed the Bargaining Team’s ability to make binding, real time decisions at the table. 

At the end of the day on Thursday, March 28, the Bargaining Team reached out to the Employer and the Mediators to urge the Employer to respond to our March 25 6pm package. We have also provided a list of questions on proposals where the Employer has so far been silent or not offered us a counter-proposal. See “The Path to Agreement Requires Reciprocity” for more details. The Union has indicated to the Employer and the Mediators that we are awaiting a response to our March 25 6 pm package and our questions, and that upon receipt of those responses, we are prepared to present a new comprehensive package and resume bargaining. We look forward to the Employer taking these actions available to them to be able to meet us at the table.

Units 1 and 3 are invited to join the Bargaining Team at a townhall on April 1 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for an update on bargaining and our proposals. 

The Bargaining Team will also be holding a preparatory meeting on April 2 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to prepare further and to discuss our next steps.   

Further Bargaining Team Preparatory Meetings include April 3 from from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and April 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to discuss the latest developments in bargaining for Units 1, 2, and 3, and strategize the next steps. All members are welcome!

Keep an eye on for all the latest events and meetings.