Press Release by CUPE 3903– Educators at York University Call to Protect Students and Workers with Remote Learning, Stronger Campus Protections

The following press release was issued by CUPE 3903 on September 7, 2021:

Toronto, ON – September 7, 2021 – Over 350 professors, sessional instructors, teaching assistants, and administrative staff at York University have signed an open letter calling on President Rhonda Lenton to allow educators to opt for remote teaching – to protect their students and the broader campus community.

“York’s ‘safety plans’ fail to account for the heightened danger posed by the reality of the Delta variant,” emphasizes the open letter, which has been endorsed by the York University Faculty Association (YUFA).

Continue reading the full press release here.

Expert Panel Discussion With Public Health Scientists on Fall Campus Return Plans – September 9th (7pm)

Poster_Townhall Invitation – Is it safe enough to return to campus

Members of CUPE 3903 and the wider York University community are invited to join an interactive panel discussion with leading health and safety experts in epidemiology, indoor air quality, bioaerosols, bioethics, population health equity, and more. Following brief presentations by the panelists, there will be an extended Q & A.

A coalition of Toronto university faculty associations and unions have endorsed a Checklist for a Safe Campus Reopening developed by experts at U of T’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, but are our university administrations listening to the experts? Are our university administrations doing enough to safeguard the health of our campus communities? Where are the strict classroom occupancy limits? How will campus vaccination and indoor masking policies be enforced, and who will enforce them? What are the trends in Ontario, and why does it look like a grim fall? We’ll examine these questions among others.

Please send your questions in advance when registering or to We will do our best to address them.

Please register in advance for this discussion here.

Continue reading for more information and the speakers’ list here.


Nominations Open for Various Committees – Deadline September 17th (5pm)

Nominations are now open for the following committees:

  • Childcare Committee (4 positions)
  • Research Grants Fund and Travel Cost Fund Committee (Unit 2 only, 2 positions)
  • Ways and Means (4 positions)
The term of each of these committees begins on October 1, 2021 and runs until  September 30, 2022. All interested members should email VPU1 Chris Little at by Friday, September 17th (5pm).

More information about these committees can be found here.

Radio-Canada Interviews Rank and File Member on York’s Fall Return Plan

Listen to CUPE 3903 member Konstantin Kilibarda talk about the fourth wave, the Delta variant, and how York’s magical thinking about the pandemic is endangering the York University community by promoting #CovidOnCampus #UnsafeAtYork.
Interview in French

“Le virus ne répond pas à la logique qui balance la santé publique avec les intérêts du business et du profit” – écoutez  Konstantin Kilibarda, membre du SCFP 3903, qui aborde la quatrième vague, le variant Delta et comment l’Université York compromet la santé de la communauté à l’émission Dans la mosaïque.
Entrevue en français


Nominations Open – Extended Health Benefits Fund Committee – Deadline September 17th (5pm)

Nominations are now open for a position on the Extended Health Benefits Fund committee. This position is for the remaining time of this committee’s term and will sit until March 31, 2022. The honorarium will be prorated accordingly.
If you would like to nominate yourself for this position, please email Chris Little, VP Unit 1, by Friday September 17th (5pm).

OCUFA Alarmed by Last-Minute Fall Guidelines for Postsecondary Education That Ignore Science, Compromise Health and Safety

CUPE 3903’s executive shares OCUFA’s (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association) concerns and position regarding the government’s unjustifiable exemption of postsecondary education settings from vital health and safety protections.

They state:
“With less than a week before the fall term begins, the inadequate guidelines introduced at the last minute by the Ontario government are deeply concerning, as they will increase the exposure risks to faculty, staff, and students…The government’s exemptions for capacity limits and distancing rules and the fact that it could not even pull together health guidelines until a few days before fall classes are set to begin, is of significant concern to academic staff at Ontario’s universities.”

Read OCUFA’s entire statement.

Nominations Open – Unit 2 Job Stability Committee – Deadline September 17th (5pm)

Nominations are now open for one rank and file member position on the Unit 2 Job Stability committee. This committee meets with the employer as per the terms set out in the Letter of Understanding on Job Stability, agreed to in the last round of bargaining with the Employer.

To nominate yourself for this position, please email Chris Little, Vice-President Unit 1, This position is only open to members of unit 2. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 17th at 5pm.

If there is more than one nominee, the position will go to a Unit 2-specific vote at the September General Membership Meeting, tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st.

Nominations Open for Unit 4 Bargaining Team Members – Deadline September 13th

The following Unit 4 bargaining team positions are currently vacant and need to be filled:
i) Bargaining Team Representative Unit 4
ii) Bargaining Team Recording Secretary Unit 4

The nomination period for these positions are open as of August 31st. Members interested in nominating themselves should fill out the nomination form ( If needed, the nomination period will be followed by a two week campaign period and a five day election (via Simply Voting).

Nomination period (2 weeks) – August 31 – September 13
Campaign period (2 weeks) – September 14 – September 27
Voting (5 days): September 28 – October 2

Update – TFAC Financial Assistance Fund

This summer TFAC launched a pilot project to provide TFAC members up to $200 in financial assistance through the TFAC Financial Assistance Fund, to help alleviate some of the hardships members are facing. Due to an overwhelmingly high number of applications, the demand far surpassed the limit of the fund.

At the August TFAC meeting, members voted to increase the Fund in order to address the needs of our members. The fund will be adjudicated once, after the September 31 deadline.

If you submitted to the first adjudication round, no further action is required! Your application will be adjudicated once applications close on September 31.
TFAC members (all women, trans, gender queer, and gender variant members of the local) can stay up-to-date with TFAC updates by joining the listserv or following us on Facebook!

To join the TFAC mailing list:
Follow TFAC on Facebook: