Update – TFAC Financial Assistance Fund

This summer TFAC launched a pilot project to provide TFAC members up to $200 in financial assistance through the TFAC Financial Assistance Fund, to help alleviate some of the hardships members are facing. Due to an overwhelmingly high number of applications, the demand far surpassed the limit of the fund.

At the August TFAC meeting, members voted to increase the Fund in order to address the needs of our members. The fund will be adjudicated once, after the September 31 deadline.

If you submitted to the first adjudication round, no further action is required! Your application will be adjudicated once applications close on September 31.
TFAC members (all women, trans, gender queer, and gender variant members of the local) can stay up-to-date with TFAC updates by joining the listserv or following us on Facebook!

To join the TFAC mailing list:  tfac.cupe3903@gmail.com
Follow TFAC on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tfaccupe3903/