Nominations for Various Committees Reopened – Deadline April 1st (5pm)

Nominations have reopened for the new annual terms of the committee positions listed below. Interested members should email Chris Little, VP Unit 1, to nominate themselves or for more information. The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 1st (5pm).

Any committees with more nominees than positions open will be voted on at the April General Membership Meeting (GMM). Otherwise, nominees will be acclaimed to their position.

Nominees will be notified if their candidacy will be voted on at the GMM and are then welcome to send a short written candidate statement (max. 150 words) for inclusion in the AGM package.

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YUFA Reaches Tentative Agreement

YUFA is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached and the YUFA Executive has unanimously voted to send it for ratification by members. Exceptionally long bargaining sessions with a mediator, combined with the members’ strong support for the strike mandate vote, resulted in our Bargaining Team’s success in reaching a tentative agreement.  The union won important gains in the last hours of bargaining.

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Call for Trans Fund Committee Members – Nomination Period Open Until March 21st (5pm)

The Trans Feminist Action Committee and Trans Caucus seeks three (3) self-identified trans* members for the Trans Fund Committee.

The Trans Fund is composed of 3 people whose responsibilities include advertising and promoting the Fund, receiving and reviewing applications, adjudicating applications, determining disbursements and other duties. All of the individuals who are elected to the Trans Fund must be Trans* identified.

The Trans Fund Committee is responsible for adjudicating three rounds (over three semesters) of the Trans Fund and will receive $500 each for the year.

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York Community: Rally Behind YUFA to Protect the University

Following six months of fruitless bargaining, the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) has set a strike deadline of March 24, 2022. CUPE 3903 extends our unfaltering solidarity to our YUFA colleagues and condemns the university administration’s intransigence. The administration seems dedicated to fostering poor labour relations across the university, including in ongoing negotiations with the York University Staff Association (YUSA). Broad, cross-campus solidarity is needed to protect the York community from these continued attacks on fairness, equity, and collegiality, which affect us all.

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Annual General Membership Meeting – March 15th (2–5pm)

Our 2022 Annual general Membership Meeting will be held on March 15th, 2022 from 2:00–5:00 pm. At this AGM, we will be electing committee members, approving our annual operating budget and opening the election for contested executive committee positions.

All members are encouraged to attend.

Please register in advance for the AGM here.

In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

After registering, members will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Keep reading for the tentative agenda, accessibility information and more.

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Updated: 2022-23 Executive Committee Elections – Candidates’ Statements

Nominations for the 2022-23 Executive Committee closed on February 28th. As there have been two candidate withdrawals, the positions of Communications Officer and Grievance Officer have now been acclaimed, leaving only one contested position of the Secretary-Treasurer. The candidates’ statements for Secretary-Treasurer are below. Voting for this position (via Simply Voting) will start at the AGM on March 15th at 5pm and continue until March 20th at 5pm.

Click through for candidates’ statements:

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2022-2023 Executive Committee Nominations Reopened – Deadline March 17th

Due to the lack of nominations, the positions of Recording Secretary and Chief Steward Unit 3 have now been reopened and need to be filled. You will need to fill out this nomination form.

For the position of Recording Secretary, you will need to have the support of any two members in good standing; for the Chief Steward Unit 3, which is a unit-specific position, the supporting members must be from the voting unit.

If there is more than one member running, the nomination period will be followed by a two-week campaign period and a five-day election (via Simply Voting).


Nomination period (2 weeks): March 3 – March 17
Campaign period (2 weeks): March 18 – April 1
Voting period (5 days): April 2 – April 7

For more information or questions, please contact the Election Officers at:

2022–2023 Executive Committee Nominations

The nomination period for the 2022–2023 Executive Committee closed at 11:59pm on February 28, 2022. Please find the results below.

For contested positions, the campaigning period is open from March 1–14, 2022.
Voting will commence at the AGM on March 15th and will continue thereafter until 5pm on March 20, 2022.

Voting will be online and undertaken via Simply Voting. Members will receive a link and their voting credentials via email from Simply Voting.

The list of nominees for the Executive Committee positions are below:

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TFAC Co-Chair Election: Consider Nominating Yourself for TFAC Co-Chair!

The nomination period for the two Executive positions of Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) co-chairs is open and will remain open until 5pm on March 14, 2022. TFAC members of any unit are eligible for this position. All women, trans, gender queer and gender variant members of the local are automatically members of the TFAC whether or not you have ever attended a meeting. We welcome and strongly encourage involvement of persons with one or more disabilities, lesbian, bisexual, two-spirited, queer and trans persons, persons from racialized groups, and Indigenous persons. Please see below for a full description of the position’s responsibilities.

To nominate yourself, or to ask questions about the position, please email the election officers, Gizem Çakmak and Evan Vipond, at Nominees are welcome to submit a 300 word statement regarding their interest in the position. These statements will be accepted until 5pm, March 14, 2022. Nominee statements will be posted on the CUPE 3903 website once the campaign period begins (March 15-21).

Voting to elect TFAC Co-Chairs will occur at the TFAC AGM on March 21, 2022 11am-1pm. Only TFAC members may participate in this election. The TFAC AGM and election will be held over Zoom:

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2022 CUPE-Ontario Convention (April 27-29) – Call for Delegates and Resolutions

CUPE 3903 is seeking rank and file delegates to represent our local at the upcoming CUPE Ontario Convention, which will be held virtually from April 27th to 29th. If you are interested, please email

If you would like to submit resolutions, please email them to by March 8th at 5pm. Resolutions should be no more than 200 words total.