News from the Pension & Benefits Office!

Sharing this Pension and Benefits news on behalf of Sylvia Peacock, our Pension Plan Representative!

News from the Pension & Benefits Office ( August 2023 –

1. CUPE 3903 Pension Plan Eligibility
Members of CUPE 3903 are eligible to join the York University Pension Plan after earning, at a minimum, the Course Director rate in two consecutive years. The Pension and Benefits Office runs a report each September to determine which 3903 members are eligible to join the pension plan at that time. For those who are eligible, we will send a letter in approximately mid-September to the email address on file. To join the Plan, you must fill out the form attached to the email and return it to the Pension & Benefits office. Please be aware that enrollment is not automatically done by our office if you are eligible to join this year.

2. Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)
The York University Pension Plan provides employees the opportunity to contribute Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) to the pension plan if they are eligible from January to September each year. Canada Revenue Agency prescribes limits on how much can be contributed to a pension plan. In 2023 the amount of funds that can be tax-sheltered in a pension account is $31,560. Each December, when the CRA has posted the pension limits for the following year, we calculate how much each pension plan member can contribute to AVCs and post this information on the Retirement Planner. Through the Retirement Planner, you can submit your request to make AVCs, or if you are a new pension plan member/ CUPE 3903 member you can contact our office for your AVC limit. This amount is based on salary information we have at the time. While the option to contribute this year has lapsed the option to contribute in 2024 will be provided to you in December 2023.

3. E-Transfer Payments
A few years ago, our office introduced e-transfers as a payment option for topping up benefit coverage or pension contributions. This change has proven to be quite successful and far more convenient for the York community. As a result, we will no longer be accepting cheques for pension and benefits coverage.

New to CUPE 3903 or need a refresher? Join the TFAC monthly meeting + CUPE 3903 101 workshop hosted by Alie!

TFAC September 20th Meeting (12pm-2pm) + CUPE 101 Workshop

The Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) is an autonomous body of CUPE 3903 that consists of all women, trans, gender queer and gender variant members of the Local.

We invite you to come join us for our monthly TFAC meeting and this month’s workshop: CUPE 3903 101 hosted by Alie. At this workshop, Alie will take members through a general overview of what our union does and how it works,what funds are available, and members can feel free to ask any questions they have about the union! After the workshop, stick around for the monthly meeting!

Click here to join the meeting!

All TFAC members who attend the workshop will receive a $15 honorarium! 

Interested in hosting a workshop? Are you a TFAC member who has a professional skill or hobby that you want to host a workshop on? If so, please reach out to the TFAC co-chairs at

We have previously had workshops on minute taking, chairing meetings, and introduction to CUPE 3903, and stretching to help with work from home pains! There is an honoraria provided by TFAC for workshop facilitators.

Did you know? If you are the minute taker for a TFAC meeting, you will receive a $50 honorarium.
Follow TFAC on Facebook:
To join the TFAC mailing list:

Bargaining Team Report Back: Week of August 7th, 2023

Bargaining Team Report Back

Week of August 7, 2023

With no bargaining meetings scheduled with the employer this week, the Bargaining Team met twice, on August 8 and August 10, to discuss the proposals exchanged at the table on August 3 and to further develop our monetary proposals. 

Bargaining Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM): August 10, 2023

The 4th Bargaining Special General Membership Meeting was held via Zoom on August 10, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. At the SGMM, the Bargaining Team presented updates on the proposals we exchanged with the employer at the last bargaining meeting and solicited members’ feedback on two significant issues—our wage proposals and the future of the Job Stability Committee (JSC). 

As the Bargaining Team (BT) noted in last week’s report (for the week of July 31), we have serious concerns about several of employer’s proposals that together suggest an attempt to assert and expand management rights at the expense of our members. We remain optimistic, however, that we can find common ground on the issue of streamlining and speeding up the grievance process to eliminate the current delays and backlog.

Members of the JSC and BT sought members’ input on whether the JSC should continue its work or whether the issue of Unit 2 jobs stability should be addressed solely at the bargaining table. The JSC emerged from the last round of bargaining as a way to resolve, with the help of a mediator, Unit 2 job security proposals that were not resolved at the bargaining table. In the JSC, the Union has worked to develop a program that would provide much greater job security to a much larger proportion of Unit 2 members, especially low-to-mid-seniority members, than have been covered by previous job stability programs. Yet progress has been slow, and the employer continues to resist implementing a meaningful program that would have a low barrier for entry, firm minimum teaching guarantees, and give Unit 2 members the stability they deserve.

The BT also presented a draft of our wage proposals to the membership, which have been shaped by the results of the bargaining survey conducted in May and June, cost-of-living increases in the GTA since 2020, and the wage freeze imposed on us in the last round of bargaining by the Ford government’s unconstitutional Bill 124. The bargaining survey indicated that members of all units see monetary issues as central in this round of bargaining and want a very significant increase in our compensation to make up for the last three years of frozen compensation and significant inflation. Between 2000 and 2019, we consistently negotiated increases that kept us competitive with the rising cost of living, but over the last three years, our real wages (that is, our wages adjusted for inflation) have fallen 10.57 percent. 

After Bill 124 was declared unconstitutional by the Ontario Court of Appeal, many other unions successfully used wage reopener clauses in the collective agreements, signed when the bill was in effect, to retroactively negotiate significant wage increases covering the illegal wage-freeze period. Unfortunately, we have been unable to do the same because of the “poison pill” in our re-opener, which requires that all appeals regarding the constitutionality of Bill 124 be concluded before we can invoke the re-opener. Because the re-opener will expire at the end of the month, before the court rules on the government’s appeal, we are faced with needing to negotiate, in this round, increases that will cover both the wage gains we could have won last time in the absence of the wage freeze and the significant increases in the cost of living over the past three years. 

At Thursday’s SGMM, we discussed two alternate proposals for making up that lost ground. Based on members’ feedback, the Bargaining Team will bring both to the next GMM, along with other monetary proposals, at which time members will vote on what the BT will present to the employers at the bargaining table on August 29 and 31. 

Join us for the upcoming GMM on August 24 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Bargaining Team needs your input to approve important proposals on wages and funds!

Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

CUPE 3903 is committed to open bargaining, which means all members are welcome to attend bargaining meetings (either in person or via Zoom). The in-person location for these meetings with the Employer is 519 Kaneff Tower on the Keele Campus; see below for details about accessibility. Here are the next few meetings with the employer (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):


Thursday, August 17, 2:00 to 5:00pm

Tuesday, August 29 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00 to 5:00pm

Thursday, August 31 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00 to 5:00pm

There is a one-hour break between noon and 1:00 pm 


Upcoming 3903 Bargaining Team Meetings

As always, we encourage members to participate in our regular bi-weekly bargaining team meetings (without the Employer), all on Zoom. Here are the next few bargaining team meetings (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):


Tuesday, August 15, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 

Thursday, August 17, 1:00 – 2:00pm

Tuesday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 24, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 29, 9:00 – 10 a.m.

Thursday, August 31, 9:00 – 10 a.m.

Accessibility of Bargaining Meetings 

For the regular twice-weekly bargaining team meetings, Zoom captions will be enabled. For the bargaining meetings with the Employer, CART will be available. If you require ASL interpretation or reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care or have any other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Due to the high demand for ASL interpreters, we encourage members to provide, when possible, two weeks’ notice if ASL interpretation is required.

Kaneff 519, the location for 3903 bargaining on August 1, has some interior doors that are not power assisted. If you require support with any doors, please email the 3903 Equity Officer ( to let us know when you will be arriving, so that someone can come out to meet you at the elevator on the 5th floor. All gender, single user, accessible washrooms are located on the same floor. Masking in the meeting room is encouraged.

Joint Letter on Bill 124 and Wage Increases

On August 25th, York University Staff Association sent the President of York University, Rhonda Lenton, a letter on behalf of YUSA, YUFA, CUPE 1356 and CUPE 3903, calling on her to renegotiate our wages now in light of Bill 124 being struck down. The letter is as follows:

Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice Chancellor
York University

Dear Rhonda,

During the last round of collective bargaining, members of YUFA, YUSA, CUPE 1356, and CUPE 3903 were all subject to the wage moderation provisions of Bill 124, which capped increases to total compensation to 1% per year for three years.

The University agreed to wage reopener clauses in our collective agreements that stipulated that if Bill 124 was struck down and not subject to appeal, the parties would renegotiate our salaries and total compensation.

After the ratification of our collective agreements, The Ontario Superior Court of Justice did strike down Bill 124 and declared that it violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The government has appealed this decision, however currently Bill 124 is void and of no effect and no longer part of the law in Ontario.

Other universities and colleges in Ontario have recognized this fact by agreeing to re-negotiate wages and compensation which had previously been subject to the 1% wage moderation cap.

For example, in June of 2023 the University of Western Ontario agreed to amend the contract for faculty, despite the fact that their contract had already been ratified and was not set to expire until 2026. UWO agreed to wage and other compensation increases above and beyond the originally agreed upon 1%.

McMaster University has also agreed to provide faculty with wage increases to base beyond the originally agreed upon 1%, despite having a contract that was in effect from 2022 to 2025.

Other universities such as TMU, Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier, and Trent have also made agreements that increase compensation above the previously legislated 1% compensation cap.

Most recently, on August 15, the College Employer Council agreed to increase wages by an additional 6.5% over the period of 2021-24.

We believe this is an opportunity for the York administration to signal that it wishes to maintain a competitive compensation structure and that its employees deserve no less appreciation and respect than their counterparts at these other institutions. We also urgently need to address the fact that our members’ real wages have declined in that they have not kept pace with the high levels of inflation.

We therefore call on the University to immediately commence negotiations with our unions with the aim of providing fair and equitable increases to wages and compensation and implement any agreed upon increases as soon as possible.

The thousands of staff and faculty who work at York University and are represented by our Unions stand in solidarity in seeking fair compensation and we look forward to your response.


Sonny Day
President, York University Staff Association

Arthur Hilliker
President, York University Faculty Association

Stephanie Latella
Chairperson, CUPE 3903

Walter Silva
President, CUPE 135

Committee Positions Available!

We are excited to announce that there are still several excellent opportunities available to join a committee this year! The nomination period will close on September 1st, 4PM. In order to nominate yourself or for more information, please email We encourage you to visit the Committees page to learn more about the responsibilities and honoraria associated with each committee. Don’t miss out on this chance to get involved and make a meaningful contribution!

The number in parentheses indicates the number of vacancies on the following committees:

– Childcare (4)
– Ways and Means (3)
– U2 Research Grants Fund & Travel Costs Fund ( Unit 2 only) (2)
– Distribution Committee (4)
– Forum Moderators (2)
– Joint Health and Safety Committee Reps (10)
– Labour Management Committee, Unit 3 (1)
– Labour Management Committee, Unit 4 (1)
– Nursing Specific Posting Officer (2)
– Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee (unit 2) (2 members)

What is the Future of Job Stability at York?

The Job Stability Joint Committee (JSJC) has been meeting since Fall 2021 with the mandate of developing a new job stability program. After almost two years of efforts, including extending the timelines a year beyond our original end date, we have not been able to reach an agreement with the employer.

This means that the Unit 2 membership has some important decisions to make regarding the future of job security at York and how the work of the JSJC will fit into the current round of bargaining. This post is meant to provide the context necessary for all members to participate in these discussions.

Continue reading

Bargaining Team Report Back for Week of July 31

On second full day of bargaining, Employer continues to prioritize extending their reach

On August 1, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team joined the Employer at the table for a second full day of bargaining. In the additional all-units proposals we received from the Employer, we are continuing to see a concerning trend of expanding management rights while eroding protections for members. More specifically, proposed changes to Articles 4, 6, and 8 of the collective agreement seem to introduce or amplify ways to surveille and discipline members, while seeking to remove language that gives members agency about processes relating to complaints of sexual or gender-based harassment. These attempts to use our collective agreements against us are unacceptable. The Employer’s approach on this topic runs directly counter to the bargaining team’s commitment to protecting members’ rights to due process, such as choice about the approach taken in complaints and grievances, and appropriate timelines for reporting and hearing grievances. We are encouraged by the Employer’s apparent interest in removing delays to grievances, though this cannot be done at the expense of members’ rights.

Seeking clarity on Unit 3 funds

We opened with a series of clarifying questions about the cost of U3 Graduate Assistantships, as the numbers provided by the Employer do not match with our understanding.  Though we had indicated our intention to raise questions about Unit 3, the member of the Employer’s team from the Faculty of Graduate Studies was not  present. The Employer is taking away the questions we raised for further discussion in the near future, when we will continue to get clarity for this unit.

Diverging proposals are exchanged on the grievance-related articles

Towards the end of our morning session, the Employer presented additional all-units proposals to Article 6 (grievance process), for the most part to introduce a 2-step grievance process, as well as to name members as both complainants and respondents. They also proposed changes to Article 4 (Sexual, Gender and Gender Identity Harassment, and Racial and Ethnic Harassment), where they are proposing to formalize the approach they are currently taking of directing grievances into complaints. More specifically, the Employer wants to remove language of ‘grievance’ from Article 4, which would both reduce protections offered to members through  the grievance process, and subject us to policies we have had no hand in drafting. We asked them to clarify what problem these changes were meant to address, but did not receive a clear response. We indicated to them in particular our concern about changes to 4.03.6, where they propose to strike language that gives complainants control and choice over how the Employer uses information relating to sexual and/or gender harassment. We signalled to the Employer that striking such language moves in a troubling direction and away from the kind of trauma-informed approach that is recognized as necessary for minimizing harm to survivors.

Another importance of 4.03.6 as it stands now, but which the Employer indicated that they wanted to change, is that it offers complainants the ability to choose a path other than disciplining the accused person, thus moving away from a carceral approach. The Employer responded that they believe our respective intents are not so different, and they are committed to a good process.

In the afternoon, we presented our two proposals related to streamlining the grievance process, in order to address grievances that are piling up. Our proposed mediation-arbitration process would speed up certain types of grievances, especially appointment grievances that we all want to see resolved before the start of term. We included carve-outs for human rights, discrimination, and harassment cases, where longer timelines may be more appropriate and necessary to ensure a good process. The Union envisions this proposal as creating an additional tool to add to the grievance process, to save both sides from needless cascading grievances.

Second, the Union proposes to add to the disciplinary process a provision to 8.01.1 that will require the employer to provide, prior to the first meeting, any and all supporting documents that provide the evidentiary basis of the Article 8 process, again in the interests of protecting and informing members.

Employer introduces proposals to expand their disciplinary powers

In another concerning move, the Employer is proposing changes to Article 8 (Discipline). Where currently the language is of ‘complaint,’ the Employer wants to replace that language with a new category of ‘complaint/concern’. The language changes would mean that a formal complaint need not be in place for a chair to request a meeting with a member. We asked a number of questions about the nebulous language of ‘complaint/concern,’ seeking to understand what would initiate such a meeting if there was no formal complaint or evidence. We were unable to get a clear picture of what a ‘concern’ (or a ‘complaint/concern’) might be as distinct from a complaint, which leaves the impression that the Employer’s Article 8 proposals are designed to increase management powers to surveille employees and could potentially have a chilling effect on academic freedom.

Bargaining team continues to develop their communications strategy

After the meeting with the Employer had concluded, the bargaining team had a productive discussion in which we identified the new themes and priorities we see emerging from the bargaining surveys as well as the proposals we’ve been developing. Stay tuned to the website for more on these priorities!

Get Involved: Upcoming SGMM and Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

Upcoming August 10 SGMM, noon to 3:00pm

We are hosting a Special General Membership Meeting via Zoom! At this meeting, we will be presenting new proposals to the membership, as well as bringing an update on where we’re at with the Job Stability Joint Committee. Your input is very much needed!

  • August 10, 12:00pm – 3:00pm

Please register in advance for this meeting here. In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

CUPE 3903 is committed to open bargaining, which means all members are welcome to attend bargaining meetings (either in person or via Zoom). The in-person location for these meetings with the Employer is 519 Kaneff Tower on the Keele Campus; see below for details about accessibility. Here are the next few meetings with the employer (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

Thursday, August 17, 2:00 to 5:00pm

Tuesday, August 29 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00 to 5:00pm

Thursday, August 31 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00 to 5:00pm

There is a one-hour break between noon and 1:00 pm 

Upcoming Bargaining Team Meetings (3903 and staff only)

As always, we encourage members to participate in our regular bi-weekly bargaining team meetings (without the Employer), all on Zoom. Here are the next few bargaining team meetings (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

Tuesday, August 8, 02:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 10, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 

Thursday, August 17, 1:00 – 2:00pm

Tuesday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 24, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 29, 9:00 – 10am

Thursday, August 31, 9:00 – 10am

Accessibility of Bargaining Meetings 

For the regular twice-weekly bargaining team meetings, Zoom captions will be enabled. For the bargaining meetings with the Employer, CART will be available. If you require ASL interpretation or reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care or have any other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Due to the high demand for ASL interpreters, we encourage members to provide, when possible, two weeks’ notice if ASL interpretation is required.

Kaneff 519, the location for 3903 bargaining on August 1, has some interior doors that are not power assisted. If you require support with any doors, please email the 3903 Equity Officer ( to let us know when you will be arriving, so that someone can come out to meet you at the elevator on the 5th floor. All gender, single user, accessible washrooms are located on the same floor. Masking in the meeting room is encouraged. 

Bargaining Team Report Back Week of July 24 2023

Proposals change hands and priorities emerge during the first full day of bargaining

On July 27, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team joined the Employer at the table for the first full day of bargaining. Although proposals were not exchanged until the afternoon, the first set already signals a difference in priorities between the Union and the Employer. While the Union led with equity-focused proposals, the Employer instead brought forward a proposal to essentially expand their power through Employer-initiated grievances. We hope this focus on management rights is not a sign of things to come.

Hybrid Bargaining 

In response to what we previously outlined as consistent with our bargaining parameters and necessary for bargaining, the Employer booked a fully hybrid meeting room and support from UIT, and we did not encounter any significant technical difficulties. We hope to continue in this format to keep our bargaining practice as open as it has always been, while also supporting members’ wellbeing.

Equity Proposals

The Equity proposals discussed at the last General Membership Meeting (GMM) were introduced to the Employer. These proposals focus on updating fair representation data to reflect the 2021 census; calculating fair representation so that it more accurately reflects the full number of 3903 employees; and making parental, adoption, and caregiver leave more equitable with language that is trans-inclusive and gender neutral, and that does not elevate some types of families over others. The Employer had some questions about where to find information referenced in the proposals, but otherwise received them without a substantive response.

Employer’s Proposed Grievance Process

The Employer led off with a proposed revision of our grievance process which they framed as “streamlining.” In addition to reducing the timelines within which members can currently file grievances, the Employer also wants our collective agreements to recognize their right to grieve the Union under the Ontario Labour Relations Act. While the BT is skeptical of the Employer’s motivation, we are open to revising the grievance process to improve its efficacy and outcomes for members.

Wages and Funds Sub-Committee Prepares Proposals for Next SGMM 

During the hours before and after our brief exchanges with the Employer, the BT looked over data on the rising cost of living in Toronto and nationwide to develop wage proposals. Members can look forward to seeing those proposals at the next Bargaining SGMM on August 10. 

Get Involved: Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

The Employer suggested cancelling the bargaining session previously booked for July 28, and the Union agreed since we have nothing further to exchange at this time. 

The BT will meet with the Employer on Tuesday, August 1. In keeping with the principle of open bargaining, all members are encouraged to attend bargaining meetings (the regular weekly meetings as well the meetings with the Employer).

Tuesday, August 1, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The in-person location is 519 Kaneff Tower on the Keele Campus.–qrDsvH9Ykh_gGXmTaemxwQSXFBkS-

There is a one-hour break between noon and 1 p.m. See below for details about accessibility.

Upcoming August 10 GMM

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom! At this meeting, we will be discussing bargaining and upcoming events and voting on important union business. All members are encouraged to attend.

  • August 10, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Please register in advance for this meeting here. In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

CUPE 3903 is committed to open bargaining, which means all members are welcome to attend bargaining meetings (either in person or via Zoom). Upcoming bargaining meetings with the Employer (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

As always, we encourage members to participate in our regular bi-weekly bargaining team meetings (without the Employer), all on Zoom. Here are the next few meetings (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

Accessibility of Bargaining Meetings 

For the regular twice-weekly bargaining team meetings, Zoom captions will be enabled. For the bargaining meetings with the Employer, CART will be available. If you require ASL interpretation or reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care or have any other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Due to the high demand for ASL interpreters, we encourage members to provide, when possible, two weeks’ notice if ASL interpretation is required.

Kaneff 519, the location for 3903 bargaining on August 1, has some interior doors that are not power assisted. If you require support with any doors, please email the 3903 Equity Officer ( to let us know when you will be arriving, so that someone can come out to meet you at the elevator on the 5th floor. All gender, single user, accessible washrooms are located on the same floor. Masking in the meeting room is encouraged.

Bargaining Team Report Back Week of July 17 2023

BT prepares for meetings with the Employer next week, approves set of Equity and Union Rights proposals at GMM

The Bargaining Team (BT) has been working hard to develop proposals, put them before the membership, and prepare for upcoming bargaining meetings with the Employer. Last week, the BT presented a series of equity and union rights proposals at the GMM, which the membership voted on and approved. The BT will continue to develop and strategize its wage proposals over the coming weeks and will continue to seek feedback from the membership at weekly bargaining team meetings and at the August 10 Bargaining SGMM. 

Equity Proposals 

The Equity sub-committee of the BT presented a draft of eight proposals related to improving data quality, the use of trans-inclusive and gender-neutral language in the Collective Agreements, and paid and unpaid leave for childcare. If successful, these proposals will improve members’ access to equitable parental, care-giver and adoption leave and help prevent discrimination on the basis of gender, family status and marital status. On Thursday, July 20, the BT presented these proposals to the membership at the GMM; they were approved and will be presented to the Employer. 

Union Rights Proposals 

On Tuesday, July 18, staff members presented a series of union rights proposals to the BT. The proposals were developed by staff with the goal of adding a mediation-arbitration process to the Collective Agreement. The employer is currently causing long delays for members who have filed simple grievances. These proposals will significantly reduce these delays. Staff members also presented the classifications of union positions and proposals to add additional language for mediated arbitration. The BT then brought these proposals to the membership at the July 20 GMM, where they were approved.

Wages and Funds Sub-Committee Prepares Proposals for Next SGMM 

The Wages and Funds sub-committee has been coordinating with members of the Bargaining Research Committee to discuss processes and strategies for developing a proposal around wages and funds that takes into consideration the results of the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Survey, rising costs of living in Toronto and nationwide, and mitigating the damage of Bill C-124. 

Get Involved: Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

Upcoming Bargaining Meetings with the Employer

The BT will meet with the Employer on Thursday, July 27, Friday, July 28, and Tuesday, August 1. In keeping with the principle of open bargaining, all members are encouraged to attend bargaining meetings (the regular weekly meetings as well the meetings with the Employer).

Tuesday, August 1 from 10:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

In-person location is 519 Kaneff Tower on the Keele Campus.–qrDsvH9Ykh_gGXmTaemxwQSXFBkS-

There is a one-hour break between 12 noon and 1 PM.

Upcoming August 10 GMM

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom! At this meeting we will be discussing bargaining, upcoming events and voting on important union business. All members are encouraged to attend.

  • August 10th from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Please register in advance for this meeting here. In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

CUPE 3903 is committed to open bargaining, which means all members are welcome to attend bargaining meetings (either in person or via Zoom). Upcoming bargaining meetings with the Employer (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

As always, we encourage members to participate in our regular bi-weekly bargaining team meetings (without the Employer), all on zoom Here are the next few meetings (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

  • Joint Bargaining Team and Executive meeting: Thursday, August 3rd 11:00 – 2:00 pm
  • Aug 8, 2023 02:00 – 3:00 PM
  • Aug 10, 2023 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Aug 15, 2023 02:00–3:00 PM
  • Aug 17, 2023 02:00–3:00 PM
  • Aug 22, 2023 02:00–3:00 PM 
  • Aug 24, 2023 11:00 AM–12:00 PM

Accessibility of Bargaining Meetings 

For the regular twice-weekly bargaining team meetings, Zoom captions will be enabled. For the bargaining meetings with the Employer, CART will be available. If you require ASL interpretation or reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care or have any other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Due to the high demand for ASL interpreters, we encourage members to provide, when possible, two weeks’ notice if ASL interpretation is required. We are awaiting confirmation from the Employer about the room for our joint meetings; once we have finalized the meeting location with the Employer, we will provide the following access information for the room and building where the meeting will be held:

  • location of power doors/accessible entrance to the building
  • location of all gender, single user, accessible washroom nearest to meeting room
  • masking protocols

Bargaining Team Report : Week of July 3 and 10, 2023

Bargaining Team Report Back 

Week of July 3 and 10, 2023

Bargaining Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM): July 6, 2023

The 3rd Bargaining Special General Membership Meeting was held via Zoom on July 6, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. At the SGMM, the Bargaining Team presented updates on proposals and timelines, and we strategized on next steps and due process when voting on proposals (individual vs omnibus) with input from membership. 

Mark your calendars for the upcoming GMM on July, 20 at 12 noon. We need your input to approve Bargaining Proposals. Tell the bargaining team you got their backs!

Bargaining Proposals Update

The Bargaining Team shared the first drafts for all-unit bargaining proposals on Health Benefits, Wages and Funds, and Equity proposals. Members present at the SGMM on July 6, 2023 shared feedback on these proposals. The Bargaining Team (BT) will incorporate these suggestions and present the membership with an updated draft during the next GMM scheduled for July 20, 2023. BT is also seeking comments from various 3903 standing committees to make sure that proposals are able to fully capture the demands and issues faced by the membership. In the meantime, staff and BT members are working on preparing the remaining all-unit and unit specific proposals for the membership’s approval.

Job Stability Committee Update

During the SGMM, members of the Job Stability Committee (JSC) shared their experiences and the employer’s lack of commitment to address Unit 2 issues during the mediation process. Experiences from the JSC (formed out of  the last round of bargaining in 2021) provides important lessons on employer’s time-killing tactics. As we include many of the Unit 2 demands raised during the JSC meetings into our final bargaining proposals, we understand that we are at our strongest when bargaining with the full-support of our membership. All eyes on the bargaining table!

Bargaining Timeline Update

After the first meeting with the employer, the bargaining team has now finalized the schedule of meetings for the next few weeks. Please see meeting dates below. We continue to approach the bargaining process with the aim of swiftly working towards a just Collective Agreement, as our membership cannot wait any longer! During the SGMM the Bargaining Team and members present discussed important dates and deadlines during the Fall semester to finalize summer negotiation timelines. We will continue to update membership with the timeline as events unfold, and as always we will take the timeline to the membership for approval.

Get Involved: Upcoming General Meetings and Bargaining Meetings

We are hosting a General Membership Meeting via Zoom! At this meeting we will be discussing bargaining, upcoming events and voting on important union business. All members are encouraged to attend.

  • July 20, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Please register in advance for this meeting here. In order to register, you will need to provide your employee number, which will be kept confidential. Your employee number is on your monthly pay stub. If you don’t know your employee number, please click here for instructions.

CUPE 3903 is committed to open bargaining, which means all members are welcome to attend bargaining meetings (either in person or via Zoom). Upcoming bargaining meetings with the Employer (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

As always, we encourage members to participate in our regular bi-weekly bargaining team meetings (without the Employer), all on zoom Here are the next few meetings (also shared on 3903’s website’s calendar):

Accessibility of Bargaining Meetings 

For the regular twice weekly bargaining team meetings, Zoom captions will be enabled. For the bargaining meetings with the Employer, CART will be available. If you require ASL interpretation or reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care or have any other requests for accommodation, please contact our Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani, at

Due to the high demand for ASL interpreters, we encourage members to provide, when possible, two weeks’ notice if ASL interpretation is required. We are awaiting confirmation from the Employer about the room for our joint meetings; once we have finalized the meeting location with the Employer, we will provide the following access information for the room and building where the meeting will be held:

  • location of power doors/accessible entrance to the building
  • location of all gender, single user, accessible washroom nearest to meeting room
  • masking protocols