Nominations Reopened for Bargaining Team

Nominations to Reopen for Bargaining Team

The nomination period for the Units 1, 2 and 3 Bargaining Team closed on February 13.

Congratulations to the following acclaimed candidates:

Unit 1:

Martin Schoots-McAlpine

Isaac Thornley

Rhiannon Cobb

Unit 2:

Zoë Newman

Stephanie Latella

After the initial nomination period, four (4) vacancies remain. Nominations for one (1) Unit 2 position and three (3) Unit 3 positions will therefore reopen February 24-March 9.

If there are more nominees than open positions, the nomination period will be followed by a two-week campaign period and a five-day election (via Simply Voting).

If you have questions about the upcoming election, please contact the Elections Officers at: