Four additional Joint Health and Safety Committee representatives needed for on campus inspections

We currently have four vacancies in our delegation to the Joint Health and Safety Committee. We are looking to fill these vacancies urgently as we move towards the start of the new term, ideally with members who expect to be on campus during the fall term or who are at least willing to attend campus to carry out health and safety inspections. Glendon campus is currently unrepresented on the JHSC, so we are also keen to have a representative who works there on the committee.

To nominate yourself for one of these positions, email Chris Little, Vice-President Unit 1,

Nominations will close at 5pm on Sunday 29 August. If there are more nominations than vacancies, the positions will be voted on at the General Membership Meeting on 31 August.

Members of the JHSC are paid by the employer for work done at the hourly marker/grader rate.