Apply to the Ways & Means and Remote Course Delivery Funds!

Need Money? Apply to the Ways & Means and Remote Course Delivery Funds!

For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CUPE 3903 Ways & Means Fund has loosened its eligibility criteria. This means that, if you were wondering whether your specific circumstances allow you to apply, the answer is most likely YES

Having trouble paying rent? Ways and Means can approve up to one month’s rent or mortgage payment. Apply here.

Unexpected expenses cropping up due to the pandemic? Whatever your circumstances, Ways and Means can help offset the costs caused by emergencies or other unexpected expenses. Apply here.

Need a new or upgraded computer, webcam, software, or service in order to do online teaching? Apply to the Remote Course Delivery Fund here. (Fund no longer available; apply to Ways and Means)

Please note that York has capped all applications to Remote Course Delivery Fund at $300. If you would like Ways and Means to consider expenditures above $300, please check the “additional assistance” box in the application form.  

Receipts are needed for both funds, but if you’re not sure you have the right documentation apply anyway.

All members have the right to apply; the committee will work with applicants if they need more information.  

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