Letter of Understanding on COVID 19 Related Issues

As of May 21st, we have a Letter of Understanding (LOU) on COVID 19 Related Issues with York. The LOU will provide much needed financial support to many of our members. This agreement is the first of its kind in the sector and is the outcome of intense negotiations with York.

In brief, York has committed to $140 000 in support of members facing financial hardships, up to $50 000 in reimbursement of expenses and some monies for members attending  instructional design training. We will be sending members additional information on how to apply for reimbursement of expenses and other procedures resulting from the LOU soon.

We recognize that not all of our members’ concerns are addressed. There were unfortunately some issues on which we could not reach an agreement with York. We are especially disappointed that York continues to refuse automatic extensions with funding for graduate students. We will continue to advocate for our graduate student members and support YUGSA and other graduate student groups in this fight.

This agreement does not preclude us from negotiating further agreements with York. We thank everyone who has shared (or will share) concerns with us. Our advocacy and push for York to address our members’ needs will continue.

York also issued a letter affirming our intellectual property rights, and compensation for Unit 2 members whose signed summer contracts were cancelled due to the switch to remote delivery.

The Letter of Understanding can be read in full through the link above or here.

The letter affirming our intellectual property rights and U2 summer contract cancellation agreements can be read here.