By-law Amendments Passed at September GMM

Several by-law amendments were voted on at the September GMM. Once by-law amendments are passed by the membership they are sent to CUPE-National to assure they conform to the National constitution. Results of the by-law votes are below:

  1. Article 14.V.a (passed)
    • Yes: 35
    • No: 0
    • Abstentions: 5
  2. Article 10 (passed)
    • Yes: 35
    • No: 1
    • Abstentions: 3
  3. Article 10e (passed)
    • Yes: 36
    • No: 1
    • Abstentions: 3
  4. Article 7c (passed)
    • Yes: 34
    • No: 1
    • Abstentions: 4