Latest update on strike pay

The CUPE 3903 red-star logo

The CUPE 3903 red-star logo

The following update has been prepared with the help of CUPE National

As we are now past day 10 of the CUPE 3903 strike, the funds of the CUPE National Strike Fund are now available to support us, rather than the funds of CUPE 3903.

This means that some of the local’s interpretations of strike pay, alternate duties, and so on will no longer apply. We must comply with the CUPE Strike Fund Regulations.

To be eligible for strike pay:

  • You must have been on active payroll of York University and have held a position within the bargaining unit as of March 2, 2015
  • You must have actively participated in the strike by performing assigned strike duties within the first ten days for at least one shift of four hours since the strike commenced
  • You must sign the Strike Application form and sign in and sign out with a picket captain for each shift

The CUPE National Strike Fund allows for Strike Pay up to $300 per week and $60 per day.

In order to receive the full $300 per week of strike pay, a member must perform assigned strike duties for at least 20 hours over at least five days. The five days can include weekends, if the strike duties have been assigned by the Strike Committee and / or Alternate Duties Committee and performed on those days. As stated in other communications, alternate duties must be tasks that are specific, measureable and approved by the National Representative.

In exceptional circumstances, strike pay may be given on a daily basis and may be available to a member who is unable to perform strike duty for a full five days, subject to approval by the Strike Committee and the National Representative.

For more information about strike pay, please email

For more information about alternate duties, please email

CUPE National has confirmed that we can receive strike pay on a per shift basis. As many of our members have other academic commitments, such as lab work or student placements, it is not possible for all members to picket five days per week. If members can picket only two days per week, they will be eligible to receive picket pay for two four-hour shifts, one per day, for no more than $60 per day.

If you cannot perform 20 hours of picket duty over five days, please contact the Strike Committee and indicate your reasons (academic commitments, lab work, student placement, etc.). You may be asked to provide documentation. All requests will be adjudicated by the Strike Committee. Please email

The goal is to ensure maximum participation and settle any potential strike as quickly as possible by putting as much pressure as possible on the university administration.