Do you have issues with your Record of Employment?

Did the hours that York calculated for your Record of Employment (RoE) seem wrong?

Did this potentially even interfere with your ability to claim Employment Insurance?

CUPE 3903 has been working to pin down exactly how the Employer has calculated the hours listed for members’ RoEs, some of which do not seem to reflect the amount of work completed by members. Staff have identified the opportunity to file a grievance to address this issue, but for that to happen—they need members’ data.

If you have an RoE issue, please provide:  
  • April/May 2023 RoE,
  • Aug 2023 paystub
    • (or final 2022-23 contract year paystub if not teaching in the summer)
    • Dec 2023 paystub,
    • May 2024 paystub,
    • May/June 2024 RoE
    • All Written Offers of Appointment for FW 2023-24
For members who submit all of those documents, it should be possible to:
  • calculate the correct hours and
  • file a group grievance to have the RoEs corrected

A jotform link will be released soon for you to upload the relevant information! In the meantime, please contact Julian Arend, Staff Representative, at

Notice of Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Notice: A member has submitted a proposed bylaw amendment to Appendix E, relating to the Professional Development Fund, which can be voted on at the September GMM. It is as follows:

APPENDIX E – Professional Development Fund

I. Preamble

The Professional Development Fund (PDF) is available to members of all bargaining units.

II. Criteria & Procedures

  • This money will be distributed three times per Collective Agreement year, in periods that correspond with academic terms and peak conference periods:
    • Period 1 (FALL) Sep 1 — Dec 31 Deadline: Jan 10
    • Period 2 (WINTER) Jan 1 — May 31 Deadline: June 10
    • Period 3 (SUMMER) June 1 — Aug. 31 Deadline: Sept 10
  • Priority will be given to applications for events that occur within the current period (e.g., applications for conferences in October will be given priority in the Fall period. If submitted in the Winter period, the same application will be considered lower priority and will only be funded if money remains after all current applications are processed)
  • The PDF does not cover capital costs such as equipment, software, stationary, and books.

III. Amounts & Distribution of Awards

  • In each funding period, a maximum amount of funding is made available for disbursement.
  • In the interest of awarding monies equitably to all eligible applicants, the maximum individual award for conference presentations in any academic year will not exceed $800 $1,200. The maximum individual award in any academic year for all other costs will not exceed $400 $600. Depending on the availability of matching funds, this maximum may also be adjusted to ensure widest coverage of the applicant pool.
  • A member may only draw up to the total maximum of $800 in a given academic year.

Grievances for Less Than 100% Remediation

If after checking your recent pay statements via HR Self Serve, you have received less than 100% remediation pay, CUPE 3903 is able to file a grievance on your behalf in order to advocate that you get all the pay you are owed. A Jotform link has been created for you to upload the relevant information, which includes:

  • All Written Offers of Appointment for 2023-24
  • Paystubs, including:
    • January paystub
    • the one with 90% advance pay
    • the one with 10% remaining pay
  • CD/TA remediation workload forms
  • Any correspondence indicating departmental approval of those forms

Click here for the Jotform link to upload your information about remediation pay grievances!

Also, consider attending a Check Your Paycheque help session (linked) if you are in Unit 2.

Back Pay Update

On June 25th, you should have received all retroactive pay increases you are owed from the Fall term of 2020 to the Winter term of 2024, provided that you were an active employee in the Winter term of 2024 when the new collective agreement was ratified. 

If you did not have a winter contract and are eligible for 2020-2023 back pay, you should have received an email in the end of June or the beginning of July from someone from Payroll & Records at York asking you to send them your banking information.

You must submit your information by September 30th in order to receive the back pay you are owed from 2020-2023. You should receive that back pay by October 25th, 2024, which is the next regular pay date after the deadline.

If you did NOT receive that email, it is vital that you inform the union by emailing Neil at Please include your employee number. We will make sure you are on the list of people the university needs to make arrangements with to ensure you receive the pay you are owed.

Important note:

This long wait is intended to give the union time to reach out to all former employees to make sure they submit their banking information to receive the pay they are owed. Please help spread the word to your colleagues in this situation who may not be checking their York email!

Results: Executive Committee Run-Off Elections

The Lead Steward Unit 1 and Vice-President Unit 2 positions proceeded to a runoff election as no candidate was able to secure >50% of the initial vote. According to CUPE 3903 bylaws, in order for someone to be elected they must receive a majority of the votes (50%+1). This election has now concluded, having ran from Thursday, June 20th – 5PM to Tuesday, June 25 – 5PM.

Please see the results below for your newest members of the CUPE 3903 executive committee!

Lead Steward Unit 1
  • Rebecca (Becky) Whiley: 100 (51.0%)
  • Vinnie Collins: 66 (33.7%)
  • Sofia Chaudhry Schlichting: 30 (15.3%)

Total: 203
Abstain: 7 (3.4%)

Vice-President Unit 2
  • Joseph Tohill: 75 (52.1%)
  • Catherine Swenson: 69 (47.9%)

Total: 147
Abstain: 3 (2.0%)

Unit 2 members: Check Your Paycheque!

Attention Unit 2s: Your June 25th paycheque is supposed to include a lump sum payment that covers the retroactive wage increases you are owed for the Bill 124 years (2020-2023). You are also supposed to receive the final portion of your remediation pay, now that you’ve submitted remediation form(s) confirming that you completed your contracts from the past Winter and Fall/Winter.

  • To track the money you are owed, please download and use the following spreadsheet:

Paycheque Help Sessions

If you would like one-on-one assistance, drop in at one of the following member-led help sessions over Zoom. Individual sessions will take around 10 minutes, and they will be run in a way that will allow you to keep the details of your paycheque private.

Do you need to file a grievance for missing pay?

If after checking your paycheque you have a negative discrepancy (a red number in brackets), then the union will need to file a grievance on your behalf to make sure you get all the pay you are owed. A Jotform has now been released where you can provide the relevant information in order to file a grievance on this matter.

For any questions: contact Lead Steward Unit 2, Neil Braganza, at

Results: Executive Committee Elections 2024-2025

Results – Executive Committee Elections 2024-25

Start: 2024-06-14 17:00:00 America/Toronto
End: 2024-06-19 17:00:00 America/Toronto

Communications Officer

Mackenzie Edwards: 193 (58.3%)
Elisa Dong: 94 (28.4%)
Kathleen Cherrington: 44 (13.3%)
Total: 368
Abstain: 37 (10.1%)

Vice-President Unit 1

Collin Xia: 155 (73.1%)
Aidin Torkameh: 57 (26.9%)
Total: 223
Abstain: 11 (4.9%)

Lead Steward Unit 1

*Run-off Election Needed*

Rebecca (Becky) Whiley: 93 (44.3%)
Vinnie Collins: 64 (30.5%)
Sofia Chaudhry Schlichting: 31 (14.8%)
Anson Nater: 22 (10.5%)
Total: 223
Abstain: 13 (5.8%)

Vice-President Unit 2 

*Run-off Election Needed*

Joseph Tohill: 53 (39.3%)
Catherine Swenson: 43 (31.9%)
Sylvia Peacock: 39 (28.9%)
Total 141
Abstain 6 (4.3%)

Lead Steward Unit 2

Neil Braganza: 74 (55.2%)
Christopher Bailey: 60 (44.8%)
Abstain: 7 (5.0%)

Run-Off Elections

The Lead Steward Unit 1 and Vice-President Unit 2 positions will be proceeding to a runoff election beginning June 20th – 5PM as no candidate was able to secure >50% of the vote. According to CUPE 3903 bylaws, in order for someone to be elected they must receive a majority of the votes (50%+1). A plurality is not sufficient to be elected. As no candidate for these two positions were able to obtain a majority of the votes, a run-off election will occur with the candidate receiving the fewest votes withdrawn. The process will continue until a candidate obtains a majority.

Below is the relevant passage in the bylaws:

“A candidate must obtain a majority of votes cast, i.e. at least 50% plus 1, to be declared elected. When no candidate obtains a majority, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped and a second ballot taken. The process shall continue until one candidate has obtained a majority.”

All electors will be receiving a new ballot and the runoff election will occur from Thursday, June 20th – 5PM to Tuesday, June 25 – 5PM.

The following are the remaining candidates:

Rebecca (Becky) Whiley
Vinnie Collins
Sofia Chaudhry Schlichting

Joseph Tohill
Catherine Swenson

Report Back from A Day of Organizing! 

Report Back from A Day of Organizing

On June 10th, 2024, members of CUPE 3903 came together to discuss where we are, where we’re going, and how we can get there! The members who attended came from different bargaining units and different faculties; some had been working at York for decades, while others will be joining CUPE 3903 in September. While participants were all very different, we all share the most important thing: the desire to build power together to improve working conditions at York University!

Through brainstorming and discussing, we learned that the main issues on people’s minds are remediation pay, restructuring, and how to improve communications to increase solidarity. People also expressed a desire for more social spaces and a need to find organic ways to connect despite our work environment changing so that less of it is in person. The event was opened with discussion and closed with planning next steps, facilitated by the incoming Chairperson Zoë Newman!

We also worked on how to reach more members, how to build campaigns, and discussed what our next steps are to build power and address the problems we are facing. The first workshop, led by the outgoing Chairperson Mackenzie Edwards, highlighted on how to mobilize your fellow members toward actionable change. The second workshop, led by Assistant Staff Representative Maija Duncan, focused on structural ways to build campaigns.

Several attendees agreed to bottom-line wide-ranging initiatives and will be meeting to develop these. The campaigns members devised included workshops to help members understand their pay statements, a remediation-centric petition, and creative ideas for protest swag. Eventually, these initiatives will hopefully be brought to the next Stewards’ Council. If you are interested in getting involved with one of these campaigns, email so that you can be connected to a member-organizer!

We had a great time discussing and working together; this is only the beginning. There’s a lot of work to do, but the good news is that there’s a willingness to do it! To be part of future events, make sure to subscribe to the union’s newsletter and attend Stewards’ Council on June 25th at 1PM.