Who do I contact? FAQ

Wondering who you should contact. We’ve answered some of your frequently asked questions to help.

If your question isn’t answered pick the closest fit and we will be happy to forward you to the correct person if necessary. If you’re uncomfortable contacting the person listed, reach out to an Executive Committee member you are comfortable with and they can help get you support.

Who do I contact if…

What is the Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC)?

The Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) is an autonomous body of CUPE 3903 that consists of all women, trans, gender queer and gender variant members of the Local. TFAC works in coalition other relevant critical feminist organizations on campus in an effort to improve the position of all women, trans, gender queer and gender variant people at York University and within the labour movement. If you are a TFAC member with questions or concerns regarding TFAC issues please contact the TFAC Co-chairs at tfac.cupe3903@gmail.com.

Who do I contact if…

I have questions about my collective agreement?

If you have questions about your collective agreement your Lead Stewards can help. Your Lead Steward would be happy to discuss your Unit’s collective agreement with you. The Lead Stewards can be reached at: cupe3903csu1@gmail.com (Lead Steward Unit 1), cupe3903chiefstewardunit2@gmail.com (Lead Steward Unit 2),   cupe3903csu3@gmail.com (Lead Steward Unit 3), or cupe3903csu4@gmail.com (Lead Steward Unit 4).You may also contact other members of the Executive or staff if you would prefer not to contact the Lead Stewards.


I want to file a grievance, or I think York has violated my collective agreement rights and I need someone to talk to?

If you have questions or concerns about your collective agreement rights or you want to discuss a potential grievance you have several options. Amongst Executive Committee members your Lead Steward or the Grievance Officer can help you. You may also wish to speak to a Staff Representative. Raj Virk normally concentrates on issues for Unit 2 and Unit 4, while Julian Arend concentrates on Unit 1 and Unit 2 issues, Unit 3 issues are handled equally by both. Questions about accommodations or other equity issues should be directed towards the Local’s Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani.

All Executive Committee members can help with the grievance process, if you feel uncomfortable contacting the Executive or staff named above please feel free to contact any other Exec member.


I need information on EI eligibility or I need to make a workplace leave request?
I need help with a harassment, discrimination and/or violence grievance/arbitration proceeding?
I need help with a disability-based program extension and/or workplace accommodations?

If you have questions about accommodations or other equity issues, like the below, please contact the Local’s Equity Officer, Nadia Kanani.

  • EI eligibility.
  • Workplace leave requests.
  • Harassment, discrimination and/or violence grievance/arbitration proceedings.
  • Disability-based program extension and/or workplace accommodations.


I have questions about a fund?

The administration of funds can involve many different people and who you should contact will depend on the type of question you have. Funds are described in detail on our benefits and funds page and you may want to check that page out first.

For funds dispersed by York, the union has little control, but we may be able to help you find answers. Try contacting your Vice President (for Units 1, 2 or 3) or the Lead Steward (if you’re in Unit 4).

For union controlled funds, if you have questions about filling in a fund application form or when and how fund applications are adjudicated you should contact the fund committee first, if possible. You can find out more about funds, and any contact information through the benefits and funds page.

If you are waiting for a fund cheque or disagree with the amount you’ve been given the Treasurer or Financial Coordinator can tell you if the cheque has been printed but they cannot change the amount given or interfere with the workings of the fund committee. Some funds have appeal proceedings and if you cannot reach a fund committee or have concerns about how a fund was adjudicated you should contact any Vice President. The Vice Presidents oversee the committees and can try to address your concerns.


I need assistance with enrolling in my Sun Life health benefits?

If you need help enrolling in your Sun Life Health Benefits you can usually stop by the office and someone will help you. Most Executive members and staff can help you fill in the enrolment form and we will even fax it to York for you.


I have a question about the local’s finances?

Questions about the local’s finances and budget can be directed to the Treasurer. The Treasurer also submits a budget report to the GMM.


I want more information about a committee?

Looking for more information on a committee, you may want to check out our Committees page. If you still have questions, for most committees, any Vice President can help. The Sexual Assault Survivor Support Fund and the Trans Fund committees fall under TFAC and you can contact the TFAC Co-chairs.

If you’re looking for information about a fund that is adjudicated by a committee you may want to start with the fund committee itself. You can learn more on our Benefits and Funds page.


I have a donation request?

If you are part of a group looking for a donation you can read our Donations Decision Making Process Policy in our bylaws. Donation requests should be sent to the Recording Secretary who can then add the notice or request to the relevant Executive Committee meeting or GMM agenda. The Executive Committee can only approve amounts up to $250, donations greater than $250 must be approved by the general membership.


I want to add something to the GMM or Exec meeting agenda?

To add an item to the GMM or Exec meeting agenda contact the Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary can also help with the wording of motions or assist you in deciding how your issue may best be addressed in the meeting agenda.


I have a request to add something to the newsletter, website or social media?

If you have an event, update, news, call for solidarity or anything else you think we might be interested in sharing with our members please contact the Communications Officer.


I want to know how to get more involved in the union?

Great! We would be happy to discuss union involvement with you.

The Stewards’ Council is always working on ways to outreach to and mobilize our membership. Your departmental Steward or your Lead Steward are a great start if you’re looking to get more involved.

You can read about our committees on our Committees page. You can email many committees and current committee members are usually happy to talk about their role if you think you may want to sit on the committee in the future. The Vice Presidents, who oversee the committees, can also discuss committee work with you.

If you’re a TFAC member interested in getting more involved in TFAC contact the TFAC Co-chairs.

Not sure where to start? Or what you might want to be involved in? Any Exec member would be happy to help, and our Chairperson has a good overall view of the different ways you could be more involved.


I have a complaint about union staff, Executive officers, committee members, or other officers of the union?

Complaints about staff, other Executive officers, or other officers of the union can be brought to the Chairperson. The Vice Presidents oversee the committees and complaints about committee members can be brought to one of them, and any Executive member can help if you have issues with the Chairperson.
