Unit 2 Town Hall Dec. 8 11:30-2:30

December 8, 2023 @ 11:30 am – 2:30 pm

At the November 22 emergency SGMM, the membership in a strong majority voted to approve a proposal for a Graduated Job Security Program (GJSP) that would considerably improve the predictability and stability of work for Unit 2 members.

New to the conversation on the GJSP? Here is a GJSP FAQ page.

Since CUPE 3903 is a member-driven local which practices open bargaining, all proposals are drafted and brought to the table (or not) with the guidance and approval of membership. Since the GJSP was presented in bargaining, the Employer has failed to engage with any part of the proposal. It is time, once again, to hear from Unit 2 on how to move forward with Job Stability Proposals this round of bargaining. Let’s hear what you think!

All Unit 2 members are invited to share their opinions and are encouraged to register in advance.

Town Hall Dec. 8 11:30-2:30: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtdeqrqD0oHdN1sDqPpd6lL93Mjz46N7OY