TAKE ACTION: Help former members get their retro pay!

Everyone who worked at York at any time between the Fall of 2020 and the Summer of 2023 (inclusive) is owed wage increases that we won in the strike earlier this year. 💰 We need your help contacting them! The amount of retro pay they are owed can range from hundreds to even over a thousand dollars.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Go through this list of former members who are owed back pay.
  2. If you know someone, please ask them to fill out the retro pay form (https://www.yorku.ca/universityservices/retro/) and send it to hrhelp@yorku.ca as soon as possible.
  3. Please ask them to let us know at cupe3903vpu2@gmail.com once they’ve done that so that we can take them off our list.

Let’s help our former colleagues get the pay they are owed! 🤝 Check out the list right here.

For any questions, contact: Joseph Tohill, Vice-President Unit 2, at cupe3903vpu2@gmail.com

DEADLINE: End of September!