Nominate Yourself for the Executive Committee

This is a reminder that the nomination period for the executive elections will end on May 30. Nominations for all positions remain open and encouraged, but the following positions have yet to receive a single nomination and we encourage anyone interested to please apply:
  • Lead Steward Unit 2
  • Lead Steward Unit 4

Election Timeline

The election timeline will be as follows:

  • Nominations Period: May 16 – 12pm to May 30 – 12pm
  • Campaigning Period: May 30 – 12pm to June 13 – 12pm
  • Voting Period (via SimplyVoting): June 14 – 5pm to June 19 – 5pm

Nomination Instructions

The online NOMINATION FORM is available here: Executive Committee Nomination Form. The form will close at the end of the nomination period (May 30, 2023 at 12 pm).

To nominate yourself:

  • Nominees must fill out and submit the electronic nomination form linked above.
    The traditional register and nomination form have been combined into a single electronic election nomination form, thus it is the only thing a nominee will need to fill out.
  • A nominee will need to know the names and email addresses of two supporters, who need to be members in good standing. If the nomination is for a Lead Steward or Vice President position, the supporters must be members of the relevant bargaining unit (e.g., for a Unit 1 position, the supporters must be members of Unit 1).
  • Upon submission of the nomination form, the supporters will be automatically contacted by email to endorse the nomination via a pre-populated supporter form. Both supporter forms must be submitted before the deadline in order for the nomination to be considered complete. The form will be disabled at the close of the nomination period. Please note that some people have had the supporter form go to their Junk folder, so if you have agreed to support a candidate, please also check your Junk folder for the form.
  • The nomination period will open at 12pm on May 16th and will close two weeks later on May 30th at 12pm. The nomination form and supporter forms will automatically be disabled at the close of the nomination period.
  • Information concerning the campaigning period and electronic voting will be forthcoming.

Should members have any accessibility concerns, they should contact the Electoral Officers at, or the Equity Officer at