TFAC Executive Nominations Open

The nomination period for the two Executive positions of Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC) co-chairs is open and will remain open until 4 PM on June 6th, 2024.

TFAC members of any unit are eligible for this position. All women, trans, gender queer and gender variant members of the local are automatically members of the TFAC whether or not you have ever attended a meeting.

We welcome and strongly encourage involvement of BIPOC persons with one or more disabilities, lesbian, bisexual, two-spirited, queer and trans persons. Please see below for a full description of the position’s responsibilities.

To nominate yourself, or to ask questions about the position, please email the election officers Khaoula and Orçun, at Nominees are welcome to submit a 300-word statement regarding their interest in the position. These statements will be accepted until 4PM June 6th, 2024.

Voting to elect TFAC Co-Chairs will occur at the TFAC AGM on June 7th, 2024 from 12:30 – 2:30 PM. The AGM will be hybrid. We will update with an in-person space (likely the board room in the Atkinson office)!

Click here to join the Zoom meeting

 Only TFAC members may participate in this election.

 TFAC Co-Chair Responsibilities:

  • Organize and advertise TFAC meetings
  • In the absence of volunteers, chair TFAC meetings
  • Oversee the Caucus listserv; add members to list.
  • Respond to list-serve postings/questions where appropriate.
  • Conduct conference registration and payment for members attending conferences.
  • Distribute minutes from the previous meeting to members for approval at the subsequent meeting.
  • Act as a point of contact for local equity groups to advance the work of the Caucus.
  • When donations are approved by the Caucus, the Co-Chairs are responsible for ensuring that paperwork for donations is submitted, and where appropriate, letters are written and mailed.
  • Write letters at the request of the Caucus.
  • Attend meetings of the Executive Committee and General Membership.
  • Provide periodic updates (once per month or less) about the work of the Caucus over the list serve.
  • At the TFAC AGM to be held in February/March each year, propose a budget to the Caucus for discussion and debate.
  • Oversee and help with the formulation and carrying out of Caucus projects.
  • Ensure that TFAC brochures are available in the union office (this may involve updating brochures over time).