Report Back – Bargaining Team Meeting on December 18th (11–3pm)

The Bargaining Team spent the majority of the meeting discussing and preparing the answers to the Employer’s questions about proposals in our package. More specifically, we discussed different interpretations of Bill 124, the importance of job security proposals, funding, and the way equity and seniority are being pitted against each other. A few items such as the intersectionality proposal are reserved for later when the subcommittee can do more substantial research and provide language for our membership to discuss. We also briefly discussed the plan to meet with the union’s lawyer to consider the possible avenues to push for affordable housing.

Next Meeting
All Bargaining Team meetings are open to members. The Bargaining Team would like to encourage all members to attend this last remaining meeting in December.

December 22, 11:00AM – Bargaining Meeting with the Employer
Please register in advance for this meeting here.