Unit 2 Ratification Vote Irregularities — Re-Vote June 14 & 15

After close scrutineering by CUPE National, it became apparent that there were significant irregularities with the Unit 2 ratification vote held on Wednesday June 13. Specifically, the number of ballots did not match the number of signatures of eligible voters. The number of irregularities is such that it is impossible to account for the results of the vote with absolute certainty.

On the recommendation of the CUPE National President’s Office, a re-vote will be held by CUPE National on Thursday June 14 between 5 pm and 9 pm and Friday June 15 between 12 pm and 4 pm at Unifor Local 112 (30 Tangiers Rd).

Please note that we are not holding another meeting. Members are invited to cast their vote at any point in time while the polling station is open. Every aspect of the vote will be run by CUPE National staff.

It should be noted that we requested an extension until Monday on the employer’s deadline in recognition that the lack of notice and Eid create significant barriers for these dates. The employer refused to give us longer than until Friday, with no regard to the accessibility needs of the vote.