CUPE 3903 Strike Newsletter: April 29, 2018



(1) Graduate Student Registration
(2) Disputes Resolution Process
(3) Submissions to Commissioner Kaplan
(4) Mental Health Resources
(5) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

Meetings and Events

(6) Joint Exec-BT Meeting: April 30
(7) YUGSA Special Council Meeting: April 30
(8) Strike Committee Meetings: April 30 & May 2
(9) Having Difficult Conversations Workshops: May 1 & 3
(10) May Day March: May 1
(11) Executive Committee Meeting: May 2
(12) Unit 2 Townhall: May 2
(13) Strike Special General Membership Meeting: May 3

(1) Graduate Student Registration

Members of Unit 1 and 3 are also graduate students, and may be concerned or confused regarding registration for the Summer term while the strike is still ongoing. The Executive Committee is working to get more information.

In the meantime, we know that the start date of the Summer term has been pushed back to at least May 22. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has also stated that “if you choose not to register, please note that, should the strike not be resolved before the start of summer courses, the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of Disruptions or Cessations of University Business Due to Labour Disputes or Other Causes (Senate Policy 008) will continue to apply. No student will suffer any academic penalty if they choose not to register in relation to Senate Policy 008”.

Members must however be registered in order to receive the Fellowship or scholarships. International student members should know that the employer will not be paying out the International Tuition Offset, as it is an amount guaranteed by our collective agreements. We are looking into solutions to alleviate the burden this might place on international students.

(2) Disputes Resolution Process

The Disputes Committee exists to attempt to resolve disputes between members in ways that respect our bylaws and CUPE National’s Constitution, as well as uphold the principles found in our equality statement.

For more information visit the Disputes Resolution page.

(3) Submissions to Commissioner Kaplan

On Monday, April 23, the CUPE 3903 bargaining team and legal counsel presented submissions to William Kaplan, the government-appointed commissioner in charge of providing a report to the Minister of Labour.

The documents of the submissions are available here.

(4) Mental Health Resources

Being on strike is not only a draining physical event, but also one that can wear on morale, cause considerable anxiety, and exacerbate depression. The good news is, it is easier than ever to get help.

Read the full post for a few resources available to you.

(5) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

CUPE 3903 Members and members of the York University community seeking information can call the CUPE 3903 Hotline (select hours only).

Hotline hours are updated every week and posted to

(6) Joint Exec-BT Meeting: April 30

Joint BT-Exec
Monday, April 30
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangier Rd

Joint meetings of the Bargaining Team and Executive Committee are always open to members.

(7) YUGSA Special Council Meeting: April 30

YUGSA Meeting
Monday, April 30
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangiers Rd

The York University Graduate Student Association (YUGSA) is hosting an emergency council meeting to discuss a non-confidence in York’s senior administration, and to further increase support for CUPE 3903 at this tough time in the strike.

All graduate students are encouraged to attend. Only YUGSA councillors can vote on the motion.

(8) Strike Committee Meetings: April 30 & May 2

Monday, April 30
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
OISE room 2199
252 Bloor St W

Wednesday, May 2
4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangiers Rd

This is the main coordinating body for all things strike-related at CUPE 3903. Ideas for picket line strategy? Targets or ideas for creative actions? Want to coordinate some guerrilla communications, flyers, or other media? Strike Committee is the place to do so!

(9) Having Difficult Conversations Workshops: May 1 & 3

Tuesday, May 1 & Thursday, May 3
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangiers Rd

This workshop is designed for folks who either have had a challenging conversation which didn’t go as well as they wanted it to, or have been avoiding that difficult conversation out of concern for what might happen if the conversation doesn’t go well, or have had to respond to a difficult conversation in a way that didn’t make them feel satisfied.

Each session will be capped at 20 people because this is a workshop format and there needs to be enough room for people to ask questions and participate. With that in mind, please let Sara know which sessions you are planning to attend at

(10) May Day March : May 1

May Day
Tuesday, May 1
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Meet at Four Winds Dr and Keele St

Join the annual May Day rally and march! This year the march will take place in North York, in part to mark our ongoing strike.

Find out more and share the event on Facebook.

If you are interested in being a marshal for the march, the marshal meeting will take place on Monday April 30 at 6 pm at 563 Spadina Avenue, Room 100.

(11) Executive Committee Meeting: May 2

Executive Committee
Wednesday, May 2
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangiers Rd

All members are welcome to attend and speak at executive committee meetings. Only executive committee members may vote.

(12) Unit 2 Townhall: May 2

Unit 2 Townhall
Wednesday, May 2
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
CUPE 4400
1482 Bathurst St

By membership request, this Unit 2 Townhall will provide a discussion forum for issues of concern, most importantly our current strike and the status of bargaining.

Please note that townhalls are unofficial meetings.

(13) Strike Special General Membership Meeting: May 3

Strike SGMM
Thursday, May 3
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Unifor Local 112
30 Tangiers Rd.

Following the strike policy, Strike SGMMs are held weekly for the duration of the strike. The agenda will include reports from the Executive Committee, Treasurer, Bargaining Team, and Strike Committee, as well as time for motions from the floor and discussion of the direction of the strike.

Doors open at 4:30 pm, come early for first dibs on the food!

Please contact Sheila Wilmot at if you require ASL interpretation, reimbursement for childcare/caregiver/attendant care, and/or transportation costs for members who are unable to secure Wheel-Trans, or other requests for accommodation.