CUPE 3903 Strike Newsletter: April 19, 2018



(1) Second Meeting with the Industrial Inquiry Commissioner
(2) CUPE 3903 Members Should Not Submit Grades
(3) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

Meetings and Events

(4) Meeting with the Industrial Inquiry Commissioner: April 20
(5) Actions Subcommittee Meeting: April 20

(1) Second Meeting with the Industrial Inquiry Commissioner

On Tuesday, April 17, the CUPE 3903 bargaining team met for a second time with Bill Kaplan, the Commissioner appointed by the Ministry of Labour to investigate the strike. Kaplan continued in his efforts to mediate between the parties.

Read the full report for more information.

(2) CUPE 3903 Members Should Not Submit Grades

Over the past few days, course directors have been receiving confusing messages from the employer directing them to immediately give students “assessed grades,” should they request them.

Our members are engaged in a legal strike, and have thus withdrawn their labour; the employer cannot force us to perform work. CUPE 3903 members are under no obligation to assign any grades during the strike. To do so would be to perform the very labour that we are currently withdrawing.

Read the full post for more information.

(3) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

CUPE 3903 members and members of the York University community seeking information can call the CUPE 3903 Hotline (select hours only).

Friday, April 20 (9 am – 5 pm): 416-466-8421/(5 pm – 9 pm): 705-896-1141

Hotline hours are updated every week and posted to

(4) Meeting with the Industrial Inquiry Commissioner: April 20

Industrial Inquiry Meeting
Friday, April 20
Starting at 8:00 am
Sheraton Hotel
123 Queen St W

The third meeting with the Commissioner of the Industrial Inquiry appointed by the Ministry of Labour will take place on Friday starting at 8:00 am. The length of the meeting is unknown.

Members are welcome to attend and participate in bargaining team caucuses. However, the Commissioner will only consent to speak to the bargaining team.

(5) Actions Subcommittee Meeting: April 20

Actions Subcommittee
Friday, April 20
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Strike HQ
45 Four Winds Dr, Unit Q-1

The Actions Subcommittee of the Strike Committee will be meeting to escalate actions going forward.