June General Membership Meeting | June 17
Tentative Agenda
June 17 General Membership Meeting (4:30pm – 7:30pm)
Atkinson Building (rm.109)
1) Roll call of officers (5 minutes)
2) Reading of the Equality Statement
3) Reading of the Mississauga Land Acknowledgement
4) Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) (10 minutes)
-May 20, 2014 GMM
5) Matters arising (10 minutes)
-Notice of donation requests (please see attachment)
6) Treasurer’s report and approving expenditures (10 minutes)
7) Correspondence (5 minutes)
8) Executive Committee report(s) (15 minutes)
9) Reports of committees and delegates (15 minutes)
10) Nominations, Elections, or Oath of Office (45 minutes)
-Committee elections
11) Unfinished business (60 minutes)
-Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee Proposals (please see attachment)
-Bylaws (Article 14) Amendment (please see attachment)
-Donation request to Honduran labour and social movement activist Bertha Oliva (please see attachment)
-Bargaining Parameters
12) New business
13) Good of the union
14) Adjournment
In Solidarity,
Wai-Kiat Tang
Communications Officer