Local 3903 - Proudly Representing GA's, TA's & Contract Faculty at York University

One Union, Three Units

Although CUPE 3903 is a single union local, we have three separate Collective Agreements. Each includes what is called a scope clause – it defines what employees are covered by each agreement. Two basic principles guide the way our Collective Agreements divide us into units: the type of work we are contracted for and our student status (if any) at the time of receiving the contract. A worker is only ever in one unit at a time, but because it is common for people’s type of work and student status to change from year to year, it is possible for someone to switch units over time. Included below are the actual scope clauses from each collective agreement, but in general:

Unit 1
You have a teaching contract (teaching includes demonstrating, tutoring, and marking) and you are a full-time graduate student. Click here for the Unit 1 Collective Agreement. Note that Unit 1 members who receive a graduate assistantship in order to fulfill your guarantee of summer work is still considered Unit 1 for the summer. That is, you do not become Unit 3 members for the summer

Unit 2 
You have a teaching contract (or a TAship, contract as a practicum leader, music or design tutor or other kinds of assistantships) and are not a full-time graduate student. Click here for the Unit 2 Collective Agreement

Unit 3 
You have a graduate assistantship or research assistantship and are a full-time graduate student. Click here for the Unit 3 Collective Agreement

There are differences between the three agreements – for example Unit 3 members are eligible for the same type of health benefits coverage as other members, but are not reimbursed to the same degree. There are many other differences - pay rates, summer work guarantees, available funding, etc. See the Collective Agreements for more details (the links are above). 

To ensure representation, our Executive Committee, Bargaining Team, and some Committees are required to have members drawn from each unit. Voting as to whether we are willing to strike, who will join our bargaining team, and whether we are willing to accept and ratify a contract during collective bargaining is always done as a unit.