Local 3903 - Proudly Representing GA's, TA's & Contract Faculty at York University

Pension Plan

For an overview of all the kinds of benefits, funds and leaves click here.

The employer provides for eligible employees who are not members of a full-time pension plan and who are not eligible to be members of a full-time pension plan at York or elsewhere to participate in the YORK UNIVERSITY PENSION PLAN. To be eligible in the plan, Unit 1 members must have earnings at least equal to the CD rate in each of two consecutive years. All Unit 2 members who have taught at least one full CD in each of two consecutive years are eligible.

The employer will match up to 4.5% of gross income put in by the employee for those who make up to $39 900, and 6% for those who make more than this amount, provided that the member meets the eligibility requirements.