Upcoming Meetings

TFAC AGM – March 21st (11am–1pm) 
Come join us for the TFAC Annual General Meeting. At the AGM, we will elect the new TFAC co-chairs for the 2022-2023 year as well as the members for the SASSF committee and the Trans Fund committee. We will also pass a budget for the upcoming year.
Want to nominate yourself for TFAC co-chair or need more information? Please email the election officers, Gizem Çakmak and Evan Vipond, at tfacelection@gmail.com
Want to nominate yourself for the Trans Fund or need more information? Please email Jesse Tailor at jesse87@yorku.ca 
Want to nominate yourself for SASSF committee or need more information? Please email the TFAC co-chairs at tfac.cupe3903@gmail.com 
Did you know? If you are the minute taker for a TFAC meeting, you will receive a $50 honorarium. 
Follow TFAC on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tfaccupe3903/


TFAC Skill Sharing Workshop and Monthly Meeting – February 22nd (11am – 1pm)

Come join us for this month’s workshop: CUPE 3903 101 hosted by Alie. At this workshop, Alie will take members through a general overview of what our union does and how it works, what funds are available, and members can feel free to ask any questions they have about the union! After the workshop, stick around for the monthly meeting!

This month we will start to plan for the March AGM, we will open a call for Elections Officers for the TFAC co-chair election and the Trans Fund, and discuss member’s thoughts on the future budget (to be proposed at the March AGM).

All TFAC members who attend the workshop will receive a $15 honorarium!
Click here to join our skill sharing workshop, followed by our monthly TFAC meeting!

Did you know? If you are the minute taker for a TFAC meeting, you will receive a $50 honorarium.
Follow TFAC on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tfaccupe3903/


TFAC December Meeting  – December 9th (1–2:30pm) 

All TFAC members are invited to join us for our monthly TFAC meeting. In December, TFAC will cover a few administrative things, as well as debrief with members about how their fall semester went. An agenda will be sent out closer to the meeting!

Click here to join our skill sharing workshop, followed by our monthly TFAC meeting!

Did you know? If you are the minute taker for a TFAC meeting, you will receive a $50 honorarium.

To join the TFAC mailing list:  tfac.cupe3903@gmail.com

Follow TFAC on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tfaccupe3903/


Workshops for TransDay of Remembrance – November 15th and 22nd

Save the dates! TFAC has organized 3 workshops for TransDay of Remembrance:l. All trans identified members, allies, and community members welcome!
More information here


TFAC Monthly Meeting and Skill Sharing Workshop
October 25, 2021 @ 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Please click on link below for more information.

All trans, woman identified, gender queer and gender variant CUPE 3903 members are members of TFAC and are welcome to join TFAC meetings.

TFAC Meeting – April 14th (12–2pm)

TFAC’s April Meeting will take place on April 14th, between 12-2pm.

At this meeting, we will discuss:

  • Latest developments in bargaining (including our first sign off!)
  • The execution of the TFAC Financial Assistance Fund
  • Planning a May Day action