Special Stewards Council Meeting – October 4th

At our last Stewards’ Council meeting on the 19th, we decided to hold a dedicated SC meeting to focus exclusively on considering our bargaining strategy for the spring of 2020.  The members present recognized that this important agenda item keeps getting bumped by other pressing matters in our recent meetings.

Our SC meeting to address bargaining strategy for 2020 is set for Friday, October 4th at 11 a.m., in the union office.

This is an important meeting that new and more experienced Stewards should make an effort to attend. Departmental Stewards play a vital role in keeping members informed about what the bargaining process looks like, how members can identify issues that they think their Bargaining Team (when elected) should consider, and updating members about other ways they can participate in supporting the bargaining process, including voting in strike mandate votes and engaging in actions to assist the Bargaining Team in its efforts to negotiate strong collective agreements.

Our meeting will focus on different strategies to best connect with members across departments and Units.  We will also need to consider how we can best support our future Bargaining Team in a context of an extremely anti-union provincial government that may pass legislation (known as Bill 124) this fall to limit future bargaining gains of any public sector union to 1% of the union’s overall compensation package.

We look forward to seeing you on the 4th!