Several Committee Positions up for Election at September GMM.

Several committee elections will occur at the September GMM (Sept. 19th): Childcare Committee, Professional Development Fund Committee, Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee (Unit 2 only), and the Ways and Means Committee. We will also be electing a Unit 3 LMC Representative and there will be a by-election for one Joint Health and Safety Committee position.

To put your name forward for a position please email Stacey Berquist, Vice President Unit 1 ( by 5pm on Tuesday, September 17th. More details about the committees can be found on the committee page. Brief details are below.

Regular Elections

Childcare Committee. The purpose of this committee is to facilitate the disbursement of Child Care Fund among CUPE 3903 members. 4 open positions (any Unit); $500 honorarium per member per year.

Professional Development Fund Committee. The committee adjudicates the PDF funds (including the Teaching Development Fund, and the Tuition Costs Fund). There are 3 positions (any Unit) – 1 PDF Coordinator, and 2 PDF Representatives. The honorarium for the PDF Coordinator is $2,250, paid in three equal instalments during the year, and $600 for each Representative, paid out as $150 per meeting.

Research Grants Fund and Travel Costs Fund Committee (Unit 2 only). This committee, working with YUFA, decides on allocation of the major and minor research grants, and on travel grants. 2 open positions; $500 honorarium per member per year.

Ways and Means Committee. This committee meets as often as is required to assess applications to disburse Ways and Means funds. 3 open positions (any Unit); $1000 honorarium per member per year.


Unit 3 LMC rep (Unit 3 only). The Labour Management Committee meets with management about once a month and is charged with facilitating the implementation and interpretation of the Collective Agreements. 1 open position for Unit 3 Representative; honorarium $750 per member per year. 

Joint Health and Safety Committee. The Health and Safety Committee has thirteen representatives.  They act as advocates for members on all health and safety matters, investigate accidents and work stoppages involving our members, inspect workspaces relevant to our members, meet with management to discuss all of the above, and make sure everything is followed up. 1 position is open for by-election (any unit). No honorarium; York pays members an hourly rate for work done (marker/grader rate).