Unit 4 Bargaining Update

On Saturday, November 17, 2018, the Unit 4 bargaining team met with York University representatives. After 4 hours of negotiations, the university made an offer to Unit 4.

Some gains resulting from this meeting are as follows:

  1. Wage increase (2.3%, 2.2%, and 2.1% respectfully)
  2. Inclusion in the Professional Development Fund
  3. Extension of Health Benefit for 5-month coverage after the end of contract

The Unit 4 bargaining team has recommended this offer to go to ratification. There will be a Special General Membership meeting on Monday, November 26th, 10-11am. The location for the SGMM will be in Harry Crowe, 109 Atkinson. We must applaud the perseverance and hard work of the Unit 4 bargaining team. To read previous bargaining updates, visit the Unit 4 Bargaining page.