Notice of Motion: Levies

At the September GMM, there will be a discussion regarding levies (a temporary increase in dues) across all units, for the remainder of this fiscal year.

The Treasurer will provide an update on the current financial status of the Local, will discuss proposed budgetary amendments, and present several levy scenarios that will allow the Local to erase our existing deficit, as well as rebuild our Strike Fund and ensure a robust Legal/Grievance budget. As this is a post-strike year, a properly funded Grievance budget is necessary for the members of all units; as we face an Employer that wishes to diminish the number of contact faculty members and rob graduate students of adequate funding. We have also seen a new trend in bargaining from an intransigent Employer, thus a well-funded Strike Fund will be essential to our next round of bargaining.

While levies in past years have been sizeable, the scenarios presented will (1) not begin before the November 2018 paycheque, thus providing our members with two full paycheques, and (2) will be smaller levies over four paycheques rather then a larger levy over a single paycheque. It is essential that the Local return to a strong financial position, but after a lengthy strike, it is also key that we allow our members to collect as full paycheques as possible.

It should be noted that this is the beginning of a discussion on levies, and a unit specific vote will not occur until the October GMM.

To ensure that members are properly informed regarding the budget and/or levies, the Treasurer will be holding drop-in office hours on October 17th and October 24th from 9:30 to 12 noon in the Union Office to speak with members individually