CUPE 3903 Strike Newsletter: May 24, 2018



(1) “Respect and Compassion” Does Not Include Violence
(2) Delegates Needed for CUPE Ontatio Convention
(3) Missing Person: Zabia Afzal
(4) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

Meetings and Events

(5) Strike Committee Meetings: May 24

(1) “Respect and Compassion” Does Not Include Violence

CUPE 3903 wishes to state in the strongest possible terms that violence towards those engaged in lawful picketing activity is never acceptable. While we understand the frustration some members of the campus community feel, there is never a place in which it is okay to put peoples’ lives in danger.

Read the full statement for more information.

(2) Delegates Needed for CUPE Ontatio Convention

CUPE Ontario’s yearly convention is taking place from May 30 to June 2 (with the University Workers’ Caucus on May 29) at the Toronto Sheraton. CUPE 3903 is looking for delegates to send to this important convention.

We can send a maximum of 10 delegates. Given the time constraints, delegates will be selected on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you would like to be a delegate, please email Dan at as soon as possible.

(3) Missing Person: Zabia Afzal

Zabia Afzal, PhD student at York and CUPE 3903 member, has been missing since Thursday May 10. Please disseminate the poster widely and call 1-866-876-5423 ext. 7441 if you have any information. Use #FindZabia if sharing information on social media.

(4) CUPE 3903 Hotline Hours

CUPE 3903 Members and members of the York University community seeking information can call the CUPE 3903 Hotline (select hours only).

Hotline hours are updated every week and posted to

(5) Strike Committee Meetings: May 24

Strike Committee
Thursday, May 24
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Strike Headquarters
45 Four Winds Dr, Unit Q-1

Strike Committee is the main coordinating body for all things strike-related at CUPE 3903. Ideas for picket line strategy? Targets or ideas for creative actions? Want to coordinate some guerrilla communications, flyers, or other media? Strike Committee is the place to do so!

There will be a discussion of line consolidation at this meeting.