Online Bargaining Surveys

Our Collective Agreements (CAs) are expiring at the end of August of 2014. These agreements are what guarantee the level of our wages, class sizes, our benefits package, health and safety requirements, and a whole host of things that make work at York better.

Without these agreements it’s much easier for our Employer to mistreat and ignore us. Without the collective strength they represent we become even more vulnerable to changes in the University sector – and many changes are on their way in the coming year and more.

Please take 15-20 minutes to fill out the survey dedicated to your bargaining unit and help push our struggle forward.

You will need to get your employee number from your pay-stub so we can ensure that each Member responds to the survey only once. If you don’t have a pay-stub on hand, instructions for getting your employee number can be found on the first page of the survey.

Why should I fill out a survey?: Bargaining surveys are a way for the Local to figure out which issues are most pressing for the next round of bargaining. With this information it becomes clearer what should be fought for at the bargaining table.

Which Survey do I fill out?:

If you are a full-time grad student and leading a tutorial you are in Unit 1. Click here.

If you are a Full-time grad student and doing a GAship or and RAship you are in Unit 3. Click here.

If you are not a grad student and teaching at York, your are Unit 2. Click here.