Local 3903 - Proudly Representing GA's, TA's & Contract Faculty at York University


NOTICE for nominations to temporarily fill the position of Treasurer of CUPE Local 3903

In accordance with Article 8(l)(ii) of the Local's bylaws:

"Should the Executive Committee not be able to take responsibility for the duties of an absent Executive member, the Executive may fill this absence on the Executive on a pro-tem basis with any member of good standing. Such vacancies must be posted in the union office at least two (2) weeks prior to the Executive meeting where the vacancy is to be filled. Executive positions filled on a pro-tem basis must be advertised as vacant for the agenda of the next General Membership Meeting, where nominations will be opened and elections held as per Article 14 (Elections). Officers elected in this manner will hold their positions until elections in March."

The Executive Committee is seeking nominations to temporarily fill the position of Treasurer at the Local. Please refer to pages 10-12 of the Local's bylaws to read over the duties associated with this position.

If you are interested in the role of Treasurer, please forward your name to the Local's Recording Secretary, Yasin Kaya, at cupe3903recordingresearch@members.cupe.ca by April 22, 2014.

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