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The Unit 2 Stewards’ Council is pleased to announce the following list of unit 2 stewards and their groups. Unit 2 stewards will strive to:

    • Support and encourage unit 2 members to participate in their departments and Faculty Councils.

    • Help unit 2 members connect with each other and build relationships.

    • Offer workshops on the benefits and protections we have as members of CUPE 3903.

    • Promote campaigns that advocate for unit 2 and for the union as a whole.

    • Reduce the isolation of unit 2 members from each other, the union and the university.

    • Meet regularly with other unit 2 stewards to pool ideas and work together.

Please expect your steward to contact you in the coming days and weeks. Unit 2 stewards provide member support across different departments and hiring units. They advise and receive support from the Lead Steward Unit 2, Neil Braganza.

Glendon Campus Unit 2 Stewards

Faculty of Glendon College (all hiring units) Sabine Dreher –
Aida Jordao –
Alban Bargain

Keele Campus Unit 2 Stewards

Mathematics & Statistics Gordon Craig –
Science – Biology
Science – Physics & Astronomy
Science – Chemistry
Science – Science Tech & Society
Lassonde – Civil Engineering
Lassonde – Mechanical Engineering
Lassonde – Office of the Dean
Angela Cope –
Colin Campbell –
Languages Literature & Linguistics Kevin Reynolds –
English, Writing, Communications & Media Megan Hillman –
Gender, Sexuality & Women’s studiesEquity StudiesSocial Work Elena Basile –
Theatre, Dance & Performance Janelle Hanna –
Philosophy Julie Allen –
Social Science Kate Laxer –

Join the team!

If you would like to join the Unit 2 Stewards’ Council, the time commitment would be roughly equivalent to a TAship minus the reading and grading. Contract Neil, Lead Steward Unit 2, at for more information and to express interest.

Faculty of Education We need at least 1 unit 2 steward.
Nursing (Faculty of Health) We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in the school of Nursing.
Faculty of Health We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in  Kinesiology, Psychology, Global Health.
Faculty of LA&PS We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in Anthropology, Economics, History, Humanities, Information Technology, Politics, Public Policy & Administration.
Lassonde School of Engineering We need 2-3 stewards to support unit 2 members in Lassonde.
Faculty of AMPD We need 3 stewards to support unit 2 members in CMA, Design, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts.