Update on Summer Funding

A silhouette of members carrying a banner and flags.

A silhouette of members carrying a banner and flags.

There has been a lot of confusion about summer funding for Units 1 and 3. It has been incredibly difficult to get clear information from the employer. As such, keeping everyone informed will have to be an ongoing task, but here is what we know so far.

Members with current TA or GA contracts in the summer will continue to receive paycheques on the 25th of each month.

On June 10, members of Unit 3 will receive the amount of the increase we negotiated in our last collective agreement, as well as any RA funding they were previously guaranteed by their department. These amounts vary due to funding arrangements, but most members who do not have a summer GA contract will receive $939.50.

There is uncertainty about the Unit 1 minimum guarantee. We understand that on June 10, Unit 1 members getting the minimum guarantee will receive $200 to compensate for some of the clawbacks. Subsequent pays will be around $1250. However, the information the employer has provided us is so inadequate that this could very well be mistaken.

By June 30, the Summer Financial Assistance (SFA) for Unit 3 and Graduate Financial Assistance (GFA) for Unit 1 will be applied to student accounts. This means that these amounts will be filtered through student accounts and applied to outstanding fees. Members will receive the remaining balance by mid-July. Unit 3 members can expect $3000 in SFA. Unit 1 GFA varies depending on student status (domestic or international) and year of study, but ranges between $610 and $1025.

Please bear with us; we’re doing as much as we can to get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, the person responsible for this state of affairs is Barry Miller, Executive Director of Faculty Relations (bmiller@yorku.ca). The employer needs to give us clear answers; perhaps Faculty Relations would like to hear from the members whose livelihoods they are endangering.